Step by Step Tutorial for Creating a Modern Python GUI Project

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Build A Modern Python GUI Project | Step by Step Tutorial

Building a Modern Python GUI Project

Python is a powerful programming language that can be used to create graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for your applications. In this tutorial, we will walk through the steps to build a modern Python GUI project, using the Tkinter library.

Step 1: Install Python and Tkinter

First, make sure you have Python installed on your computer. You can download the latest version from the official website and follow the installation instructions.

Once Python is installed, you can check if Tkinter is included in your installation. You can do this by opening a command prompt or terminal and typing `python -m tkinter`.

Step 2: Create a New Python File

Open your favorite text editor or integrated development environment (IDE) and create a new Python file. Save it with a .py extension, for example, ``.

Step 3: Import Tkinter and Create a GUI

In your Python file, import the Tkinter library by including the following code:

import tkinter as tk

Next, create a new Tkinter window by adding the following code:

root = tk.Tk()
root.title("My Python GUI Project")

Step 4: Add GUI Components

Now you can start adding components to your Tkinter window, such as buttons, labels, and entry fields. For example:

label = tk.Label(root, text="Welcome to my Python GUI Project")

button = tk.Button(root, text="Click Me", command=lambda: print("Button clicked"))

Step 5: Run the GUI

Save your Python file and run it from the command prompt or terminal by typing `python`. Your Tkinter window should appear, displaying the components you added.


Congratulations! You have successfully built a modern Python GUI project using the Tkinter library. From here, you can continue to customize and enhance your GUI by adding more components, implementing functionality, and designing a visually appealing interface.

Thank you for following this step-by-step tutorial. Happy coding!

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6 months ago

Good work man

6 months ago

why do you leave your mistakes and errors in the video? im just looking for basic init setup and basic functionality, not watching a guy fumble through a ui with no explanation

6 months ago

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

6 months ago

How to get real time progress percentage ???

6 months ago

27:35 you don't need to convert percentage_of_completion to float since it's already a float

6 months ago

Thankyou so much!! you really helped me today!!!

6 months ago

my program is working but the video from youtube does not download everything works but file is nowhere to be find ? can anyone help

6 months ago

Tip: Don't name your file "main". It is a no no in python. Internally, the python program in memory is named "main" also.
You can see this in code if _name_ == "__main__" At the very least it might cause confusion.

6 months ago

The first thing we're gonna do is… tell us what IDE / editor you're using.. tell us whether your working in Windows or Linux… or not.

6 months ago

"I think we have some sort of….." that is my experience with python on windows also 🙂

6 months ago

how to solve downloading error whenever i am pasting the link and click on download it is showing downloading error

6 months ago

Super !!! I loved it :<)

6 months ago

I love it ! Thank you so much !

6 months ago

what IDE has been used here? Does anyone have an idea?

6 months ago

So this is not Updated but pytube is not properly maintained as of now and does not work, I have provided a updated active fork alternative. Works as of 9/16/2023

pre req's

pip install -U yt-dlp

import tkinter

import customtkinter

import subprocess

def startDownload():


ytLink = link.get()

# Using subprocess to run yt-dlp command

result =['C:\Users\ ((((((((((((INSERTUSERHERE))))))))))\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.11_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python311\Scripts\yt-dlp', ytLink], capture_output=True, text=True, check=True)

# Print the result if you wish


print("Download Success!")

except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:

print(f"The video is unavailable for download: {e}")


except Exception as e:

print("An error occurred:", str(e))

print("Unable to download the video.")

# system settings



# frame

app = customtkinter.CTk()



# UI elements

title = customtkinter.CTkLabel(app, text="Put in your nice link")


# Link

url_var = tkinter.StringVar()

link = customtkinter.CTkEntry(app, width=350, height=40, textvariable=url_var)


# Download Button

download = customtkinter.CTkButton(app, text="Click if u eat pizza", command=startDownload)

download.pack(padx=10, pady=10)

# runloop


6 months ago

Love this. Please do more.

6 months ago

Tkinter is the worst library in the world.python actualy has no good gui library

6 months ago

Really loved it …!

6 months ago

It says Download Complete, but i cannot find the video file anywhere

6 months ago

hi this tutorial is amazing and it also worked for me but i just wanted to ask you if you can make another tutorial with all the same things in this tutorial but just adding a resolution buttons with different resolution