Step-by-Step Tutorial for Creating a Responsive Blog Website with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (Part 3)

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Building a Responsive Blog Website – Part 3

/* Add CSS styles here */

// Add JavaScript code here

Building a Responsive Blog Website – Part 3

Welcome to part 3 of our step-by-step tutorial for building a responsive blog website with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. In this part, we will focus on adding functionality to our blog website to make it more interactive and engaging for users.

Step 1: Adding JavaScript for Interactivity

First, let’s add JavaScript code to enable features such as a search bar, filtering, and sorting of blog posts. Start by creating a new JavaScript file and linking it to your HTML document using the <script> tag. You can also add inline JavaScript directly within the HTML document.

 <script src="your-script.js"></script>

Step 2: Implementing a Search Bar

To add a search bar to your blog website, you can use JavaScript to filter through the blog posts based on the user’s input. This can be achieved by capturing the user’s input in the search bar and then comparing it to the content of each blog post. You can then display only the blog posts that match the search query.

Step 3: Adding Sorting and Filtering Functionality

Another way to make your blog website more interactive is by adding sorting and filtering functionality. Users can sort blog posts based on different criteria such as date, category, or popularity. You can also add filters to allow users to view only a specific category of blog posts.

Step 4: Using JavaScript Libraries

If you want to add more advanced functionality to your blog website, you can also consider using JavaScript libraries such as jQuery or React. These libraries provide pre-built components and functionalities that can help you create a more dynamic and responsive user interface.


By adding JavaScript functionality to your blog website, you can create a more engaging and interactive user experience. Users will be able to search for specific content, sort and filter blog posts, and have a more dynamic browsing experience. Stay tuned for the next part of our tutorial, where we will focus on optimizing our website for different devices and screen sizes using responsive design techniques.

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6 months ago

Thanks bro very good👍

6 months ago

Bravin.gozlediyim izahin davami geldi🥰🥰