Stubborn Kitten Clings to Bottle | The Dodo Cat Crazy

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If you have a picky kitten who refuses to give up his bottle, don’t worry – you’re not alone! Many cat owners have experienced this challenge with their feline friend. In this tutorial, we’ll discuss some tips and tricks to help your kitten transition from a bottle to solid food.

First and foremost, it’s important to remember that kittens have specific nutritional needs, especially when they are very young. If your kitten is refusing to give up his bottle, it may be because he still needs the comfort and familiarity of nursing. This is completely normal, but it’s also important to start the weaning process gradually.

One of the first steps in helping your picky kitten transition from a bottle to solid food is to offer him a variety of options. Try different brands and flavors of wet kitten food to see what he prefers. Some kittens are more finicky than others, so it may take some trial and error to find the right food for your furry friend.

It’s also important to make sure that the food you’re offering is appropriate for his age and nutritional needs. Kittens have different dietary requirements than adult cats, so be sure to select a high-quality kitten food that is specifically formulated for young cats.

When introducing solid food to your kitten, it’s helpful to mix a small amount of wet kitten food with warm water to create a soupy consistency. This will make the transition easier for your picky eater and help him get used to the new texture and flavor of solid food.

It’s also a good idea to feed your kitten in a quiet, calm environment where he can eat without distractions. This will help him feel more comfortable and relaxed while eating, which can encourage him to try new foods.

If your picky kitten still refuses to give up his bottle, you may need to try some creative tactics to encourage him to eat solid food. One strategy is to offer him a small amount of canned kitten milk replacer on a saucer or in a shallow dish. This may appeal to his taste buds and help him make the transition to solid food.

Another option is to try hand-feeding your kitten small pieces of wet kitten food. Some kittens respond well to this method, as they enjoy the attention and interaction that comes with being hand-fed.

If all else fails, consider consulting with your veterinarian for advice and guidance. They may be able to offer additional tips or recommend a specific diet or feeding schedule to help your picky kitten transition to solid food.

Overall, the key to helping your picky kitten give up his bottle is patience and persistence. With some time and effort, you can help your furry friend make the transition to solid food and ensure that he remains healthy and happy.

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29 days ago

Took her a while to try the finger trick, it always work as a transition.

29 days ago

I raised 2 bottle babies that refuse to eat wet cat food. It's crazy.

29 days ago

This is in My opinión the cutest face evry for earl 1:06

29 days ago

Warning: Earl has breached containment

29 days ago

I have 4 cats and don't even pretend I am in charge😈😺

29 days ago

So sweet! They love the bottle!❤❤❤❤ The bottle gives them comfort.

29 days ago

Cute Earl

29 days ago

Clearly, this kittens name should be HOMELANDER

29 days ago

I'd love to see a picture of it today.

29 days ago

He’s a cute wittle storm cloud of cuteness 😂❤

29 days ago

Earl is too cute :3

29 days ago

He refused the bowl because it isn't the GIRL. He escapes the pen to be with the GIRL. He loves the GIRL.

29 days ago

This is my favorite Dodo video.

29 days ago

"You just gonna drink bottles for the rest of your life?" *lol/snort*

29 days ago

Earl has big belly 😅

29 days ago

Nobody puts Earl in the corner

29 days ago

Wait. What happened to Earl?

29 days ago

such beautiful precious little ones. wish they were mine

29 days ago

You should’ve tried to put like make a big hole and then put the food in so if you wanted a bottle, he had to eat the food in the bottle

29 days ago

I was the same way as an infant, giggity giggity goo 😅