In this tutorial, we will be creating a simple image loader application using PySimpleGUI. PySimpleGUI is a Python library that makes it easy to create simple graphical user interfaces (GUI) for your Python projects. We will be using PySimpleGUI’s "SG.Image" element to display the images in our application.
Step 1: Installing PySimpleGUI
To get started, you will need to install PySimpleGUI. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:
pip install PySimpleGUI
Step 2: Creating the Image Loader Application
Now that you have PySimpleGUI installed, let’s start creating our image loader application. First, create a new Python file, for example, "".
import PySimpleGUI as sg
layout = [
[sg.Text("Select an image file:")],
[sg.Input(key='-FILE-'), sg.FileBrowse()],
window = sg.Window("Image Loader", layout)
while True:
event, values =
if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:
if event == 'Open':
filename = values['-FILE-']
if filename:
Step 3: Running the Image Loader Application
Now that we have created the image loader application, let’s run it and see how it works. Save the file and run it using the following command:
You should see a window with a "Select an image file" text, an input field, a file browse button, and an image display area. Click on the file browse button, select an image file from your computer, and click on the "Open" button. The selected image should be displayed in the image display area.
Step 4: Customizing the Image Loader Application
You can customize the image loader application further by adding more features such as image resizing, image filters, and image saving. You can also add more elements to the GUI layout to enhance the user experience.
I hope this tutorial helped you create a simple image loader application using PySimpleGUI. Feel free to explore more features of PySimpleGUI and create more complex GUI applications.