Styling Qt Widgets using QStyle

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Qt Widget Styles with QStyle

Qt Widget Styles with QStyle

Qt is a popular cross-platform application framework that allows developers to create user interfaces for their applications. One of the key features of Qt is its support for customizable widget styles using the QStyle class.

QStyle Overview

The QStyle class in Qt provides a way to customize the appearance of widgets in a consistent manner. It defines a set of methods for drawing, sizing, and interacting with widgets based on a particular style.

Widget Styles

Qt comes with several built-in widget styles that developers can choose from, such as Windows, Fusion, macOS, and Android styles. These styles provide a unified look and feel for widgets across different platforms.

Customizing Styles

Developers can also create custom styles using the QStyle class. By subclassing QStyle and implementing its virtual methods, developers can define their own appearance and behavior for widgets. This allows for a high degree of customization and control over the look of an application.

Using QStyle with Widgets

To apply a custom style to a widget in Qt, developers can call the setStyle() method on the widget and pass in an instance of their custom style class. This will cause the widget to be drawn and interacted with according to the rules defined in the custom style.


Qt’s support for widget styles with the QStyle class provides developers with a powerful tool for customizing the appearance and behavior of their applications. Whether using one of the built-in styles or creating a custom style, developers can create visually appealing and consistent user interfaces across different platforms.

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29 days ago

One more drawback of a QStyle is that you can not combine it with style sheets, so the migration from the fully style sheets app will be quite hard, you can't do it little by little.

29 days ago

Hi, people! Have a question. What the strategy should developer use for the substitution of stylesheets with selectors e.g. (class)? Or for styling for example one widget a different way, then others of the same type in the common style? Process all that cases in the style or write individual style for each case? The first looks much more easier, btw.

29 days ago

@David great stuff! What about HiDPI mode? Shall it be handled manually – with 200% DPI a line width should be 2px instead of 1px, etc

29 days ago

Hi ! I have a question related to QT/QML
I am getting invalid property name "MyButton" M16.

I have Main.qml and MyButton.qml files. I am using QT 6 and QT creator 10.0.0

Even after using the //@disable-check M16 . I get the error when I try to build
Error –
QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
Cannot assign to non-existent property "MyButton"
Any ideas how to resolve it would be appreciated. Thanking you !

29 days ago

Hi, is it possible to do 2d animations like gauges with QtWidgets?

29 days ago

На конец то хорошее объяснение как оно работает и устроено!