Supporters at Trump rally exhibit concerning levels of delusion

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The recent Trump rally in Ohio, attended by thousands of supporters, has once again highlighted the dangerous level of delusion amongst some of the former president’s most fervent followers.

Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, many rally attendees continue to believe in the baseless claims of election fraud and a stolen election. This level of delusion is not only concerning, but it is also incredibly dangerous for the future of democracy in America.

It is clear that Trump’s repeated false claims about the 2020 election have had a lasting impact on his supporters. They have been fed a steady diet of misinformation and conspiracy theories, and it has led to a level of belief that is simply not grounded in reality.

What makes this delusion even more dangerous is that it has the potential to lead to violence. The January 6th insurrection at the Capitol was a stark reminder of how far some of Trump’s supporters are willing to go in support of their delusional beliefs. If left unchecked, this level of delusion has the potential to further destabilize an already divided country.

The lack of accountability for spreading misinformation has only exacerbated the problem. Trump himself has not backed down from his claims of election fraud, and many within the GOP have chosen to either stay silent or actively perpetuate these lies. This only serves to validate the delusions of his supporters and reinforces their dangerous beliefs.

It is up to all of us, regardless of political affiliation, to challenge and confront this level of delusion. We must demand accountability from our leaders and hold them responsible for their words and actions. We must also continue to support and defend the truth, even when it is inconvenient or uncomfortable.

The future of democracy in America depends on our ability to confront and address this dangerous level of delusion. It will require a collective effort to push back against the lies and misinformation that have taken hold in certain segments of our society. We cannot allow delusion to dictate the future of our country.

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6 months ago

Too bad David, You picked Joe? You would have had thousand's of subscription's by now? Like Doc and Benny Johnson! Better luck next time..
Trump 2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

6 months ago

Yea for sure, where do you find these idiots someone please tell me how much brain dead you have to be.

6 months ago

The Bible teaches that all authority comes from God. In an all encompassing way all authority comes from God. Because God, as the Deity that he is, cannot be confined by the stubborn and self seeking perceptions of humans. You can see that this woman is exhibiting textbook dogmatic obedience to God. Dogmatism is going to be seen by anyone who follows anything faithfully. Dogmatism is not the driving factor behind someone’s faith rather it is something that can be evaluated and analyzed as an obedience to laws which do not conform to any worldly standards.

I think you mischaracterize this woman and all dogmatic religions insinuating that she might benefit from mental health treatment.

6 months ago

I ask people if Trump did the kind of things he’s been found liable for (SA, fraud, tax cheat, cheating on multiple wives, paying off porn stars…) to their sister or someone in their family, would they believe he deserved to be in office? Funny, I never get an answer. 🤔

6 months ago

David is "sane and all 68 million Trump supporters are crazy. The truth is just that simple.
David has made it abundantly clear, that he thinks 34 million American citizens need psychiatric help in a form he calls "formal deprograming". Another 34 million "irredeemable" American citizens are beyond help. One might mistake David for "crazy" and in need of psychiatric help if one did not already know that this is perfectly normal behavior for a fascist.

6 months ago

I agree completely liberals and democrats are completely psychotic !!!

6 months ago

You could say the say thing about the pronoun crew

6 months ago

God just threw up in his mouth a little bit

6 months ago

They are people who get rejected, a lot, but they are acceoted by other trumpers.

6 months ago

How in the world do Trumpeters think he is Godly, when there is nothing Godly about him? Is it his multiple marriages? Is it sex with a pornstar? Is it the sexual law case he lost? Is it the foul tape of his speech on the bus? Is it his offering to pay for a lawyer for anyone who would beat up the guy at his rally? Is it him making fun of a reporter with disability? Is it his 30,000+ lies just while in office? Is it his speeches of revenge and going after his enemies? Is it his speeches of hate? Is it his knowledge of the Bible; his favorite Bible verse and two Corinthians? Is it his church attendance? Is it the money he gives to a church or the money he gives to the poor? And on, and on, and on…?

6 months ago

Approximately 50% can be treated with drugs.

6 months ago

It's amazing how the other guy has twisted their minds into these pseudo religious delusions. Crazy is as crazy does. The religious delusionals have been completely fooled by this false god.

6 months ago

Trumps a traitor, belongs in prison for life and is about as religious as my 2 cats. These people are full-blown DELUSIONAL.

6 months ago

trump is satanic

6 months ago

Then they have the audacity to call others sheep 😒

6 months ago

He never read the Bible and has never been able to remember any psalm.
He cheated on his wife and has been married twice.
What kind of religion is that ? How come these simple facts don’t make their way into Trump supporter’s minds ?

6 months ago

Cults? You believe a man can magically become a woman with a few snips. It’s truly a race to the bottom on the left , I guess you’ll need the experience😂 #burninginhell

6 months ago

🤮🤮🤮 ultcha maga morons

6 months ago

He's God's wrath on the USA

6 months ago

I think it's similar to the people that use there hands to create a dance for the king Cobra snake the most deadliest snake in the world. The snake is put in a suspended animation experts say that until the person takes the snake out of this trans the snake won't even eat. The comparison is that they will only believe what the handler is saying until they get out of the trans I'm not a professional but just opinion