
Surprising Success of NextJS 13 API Routes

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NextJS 13 API Routes: Better Than Expected!

NextJS 13 API Routes: Better Than Expected!

NextJS 13 has recently introduced API routes, and the response from the developer community has been overwhelmingly positive. These API routes have proven to be better than expected, providing a simple and efficient way to build and deploy API endpoints within a NextJS application.

The beauty of NextJS API routes lies in their simplicity and ease of use. With just a few lines of code, developers can create custom API endpoints that can handle various types of requests, such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. This makes it extremely convenient for developers to build robust and flexible APIs for their applications.

One of the key advantages of NextJS API routes is that they are fully integrated within the NextJS framework, eliminating the need for additional server-side infrastructure. This means that developers can seamlessly incorporate API endpoints directly into their NextJS applications, without having to set up and maintain separate server environments.

Furthermore, NextJS API routes come with built-in support for middleware, enabling developers to add custom logic and processing to their API endpoints. This makes it extremely easy to implement authentication, validation, and other advanced functionality within the API routes, without the need for third-party libraries or complex setup.

Another impressive feature of NextJS API routes is their serverless deployment capabilities. With NextJS 13, developers can deploy their API routes to popular serverless platforms such as Vercel or AWS Lambda, making it easy to scale and manage API endpoints without having to deal with the complexities of server configuration and maintenance.

Overall, the introduction of API routes in NextJS 13 has been a game-changer for developers, providing a seamless and efficient way to create and deploy API endpoints within NextJS applications. With their simplicity, flexibility, and serverless deployment capabilities, NextJS API routes have proven to be better than expected, and are sure to become an integral part of the NextJS ecosystem.

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7 months ago

Hello Josh thanks for the video, i have just one question if we use the Edge runtime can we deploy our app on a diffenet cloud hoster from Vercel like Amazong for example ? Sorry for this dummy question i am new to Edge Thank you

Nicolás Mayorga
7 months ago

Hi Josh ! You can't imagine how this video saved me, really thanks you are the best and got a new subscriber.

Clayton Martins
7 months ago

Thanks Josh! 😀

John Dzikunu
7 months ago

thank you very much for this

Obiabo Immanuel
7 months ago

this is running on Edge

Ariyou Jahan
7 months ago

I like how short and useful this video is!

Matar Loum
7 months ago

contentlayer build seems not working with Next Js 13.2 or more

Anis Khan
7 months ago

Hello bro I am facing an issue where res data is displayed correctly in the console and Postman, but when I make a request, it shows 'id' as undefined in both the console and Postman. My folder structure is app api than user in user [id] route.js

7 months ago

hi hello i have an api route api/books/[bookId]/route.ts

export const GET = async (request: Request, { params }: { params: { bookId: string } }) => {
console. log(params);

I will report 404 when calling like this

Makise Takashi
7 months ago

app/api cant use req.body so it force api request to send json data only, that bad side

7 months ago

Thank you! the directory really confuse me

Kode Korp
7 months ago

I still can't understand why you think this is "cleaner", I do like the structure of the requests for more clarity, but all the new syntax seems to be writing a bit more additional characters for what we would already be writing previously.

7 months ago

Another "upgrade" that is a thousand times worse than how things were done in NExtjs12. You have to put in a lot more boilerplate code and I still don't know how to return and get responses. Your way is erroneous.

akash kallumkal
7 months ago

this video is amazing, I finally figured out how to use the api!!

Steam Fits
7 months ago

Thank you for this tutorial. I just started learning next js apis. I worked on express js and before this video I was looking into old version of next js routing and it was not working. Thanks you again. Love from India!

Saeed Radmehr
7 months ago

New route handler is somewhat obscured in the documentation. Great job parsing it.

Oumar Kone
7 months ago

Thanks you

Femi Adigun
7 months ago

Hi Josh, thanks for this. Do you have any idea why this is not in NextJS's official documentation? The examples on their doc page still use the old pages/api and will keep returning 404. The least we can do as a tech service provider is to update our docs and stop misleading the poor users. NextJS failed on this, and thanks for the video.

Cristhoper Sanchez
7 months ago

You saved me, 13 is confusing. I was about to cry.

7 months ago

Please install the icons extension, this tutorial was confusing as hell