SWR, ISR, Next.js drawbacks and Vercel’s vendor-lock in

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SWR, ISR, desvantagem do Next.js e vendor-lock in da Vercel

Understanding SWR, ISR and the downside of Next.js and Vercel’s vendor-lock in

When it comes to web development, the choice of tools and frameworks can significantly impact the performance and scalability of a project. Two popular concepts in the realm of modern web development are SWR (Stale-while-revalidate) and ISR (Incremental Static Regeneration), used in the Next.js framework. However, there are also some potential downsides to consider, particularly in terms of vendor lock-in associated with Vercel, the hosting platform for Next.js applications.

SWR and ISR in Next.js

SWR and ISR are two features that have become popular with developers using Next.js, a popular React framework for building web applications. SWR is a strategy for caching data in the client side and revalidating it in the background, allowing for a seamless user experience with minimal data fetching delays. ISR, on the other hand, enables developers to generate static pages at build time and then incrementally update them at runtime, resulting in improved performance and user experience.

Disadvantages of Next.js

While Next.js offers a range of powerful features for web development, it’s important to acknowledge the potential downsides as well. One major drawback is the learning curve associated with the framework, especially for developers who are new to React or server-side rendering. Additionally, the complexity of managing routing and state can be challenging, and the framework’s reliance on serverless functions for API routes may not be suitable for all use cases.

Vendor-lock in with Vercel

A significant downside of using Next.js is the potential vendor lock-in associated with its hosting platform, Vercel. While Vercel offers seamless deployment and hosting for Next.js applications, it also limits the flexibility and portability of the codebase. Developers may find it challenging to migrate their applications to a different hosting provider, leading to a dependency on Vercel’s infrastructure and pricing model.


SWR and ISR are powerful features in Next.js that offer improved performance and user experience for web applications. However, it’s important for developers to consider the potential drawbacks of Next.js and Vercel’s vendor lock-in before committing to these technologies. Ultimately, the choice of tools and frameworks should align with the specific needs and long-term goals of the project.

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6 months ago

Estou migrando do next para o Nuxt justamente por conta desse monopolismo da Vercel, o Next é uma framework muito boa mas dessa forma não tem condição de usar. Não gosto da ideia de ficar preso a usar só um serviço (que por sinal é caro, bohr faz quase a mesma coisa e custa 20 reais por mês pra mim, enquanto a Vercel custaria mais de 130 reais)

6 months ago

Excelente conteúdo!