
  • An Introduction to Tkinter: Creating GUI Applications in Python – Hands-On Workshop

    An Introduction to Tkinter: Creating GUI Applications in Python – Hands-On Workshop


  • Introduction to Key Python Libraries for Machine Learning and Data Analytics

    Introduction to Key Python Libraries for Machine Learning and Data Analytics

    Lec#01 Important Python Libraries for Machine Learning & Data Analytics Important Python Libraries for Machine Learning & Data Analytics Python…

  • Introduction to Django: What You Need to Know

    Introduction to Django: What You Need to Know

    Django Learning – 1 | What is Django ? What is Django ? Django is a high-level Python web framework…

  • Introduction to PyTorch: A Deep Learning Framework | AINTUT 2023

    Introduction to PyTorch: A Deep Learning Framework | AINTUT 2023

    深度學習框架:PyTorch 簡介 | AINTUT 2023 深度學習框架:PyTorch 簡介 | AINTUT 2023 在深度學習領域中,有許多優秀的框架可以幫助開發人員建立和訓練神經網絡模型。其中一個廣泛應用且受到高度青睞的框架就是PyTorch。 PyTorch是一個開源的深度學習框架,由Facebook的研究團隊開發並維護。其特點是具有靈活的建模能力,支持動態計算圖和自動微分,並且提供豐富的工具和庫,使開發者能夠快速構建並訓練深度學習模型。 PyTorch在研究界和工業界中廣泛應用,被認為是一個強大而有效的工具。使用PyTorch可以輕鬆地進行模型的構建、訓練和部署,並且可以方便地與其他深度學習框架集成。 在AINTUT 2023(人工智能及新興科技研討會)上,PyTorch將會是一個重要的主題。我們將邀請來自全球各地的專家和研究人員,分享他們對PyTorch的經驗和見解,並展示如何利用這一強大的框架來解決現實世界的問題。

  • FREE Course: Introduction to Data Science for Beginners

    FREE Course: Introduction to Data Science for Beginners

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  • Introduction to Spacy: Text Analysis Using Python

    Introduction to Spacy: Text Analysis Using Python

    Text Analysis with Python: Intro to Spacy Text Analysis with Python: Intro to Spacy Text analysis is the process of…

  • Introduction to Brown Bears: Part 2

    Introduction to Brown Bears: Part 2

    Brown Bear Intro Part 2 The World of Brown Bears Brown bears are one of the most widely distributed bear…

  • Introduction to CRUD Operations with Tkinter in Python 3

    Introduction to CRUD Operations with Tkinter in Python 3

    CRUD with Tkinter in Python CRUD with Tkinter in Python Tkinter is a popular GUI toolkit for Python. It provides…

  • An Introduction to PyTorch: Exploring the Basics

    An Introduction to PyTorch: Exploring the Basics

    Introduction to PyTorch: Basic Elements Introduction to PyTorch: Basic Elements PyTorch is an open-source machine learning library developed by Facebook’s…

  • An Introduction and Exploration of Type Hints in Python: How to Use Type Annotations Effectively in Python

    An Introduction and Exploration of Type Hints in Python: How to Use Type Annotations Effectively in Python


    Python Type Hint入门与初探 Python Type Hint入门与初探 在Python中,Type Hint是一种用于指定变量类型的工具。它可以帮助程序员更好地理解代码,并给编译器和其他开发工具提供更多的信息,以便进行更好的类型检查和代码提示。 那么,好好的Python写什么类型标注呢?以下是一些常见的类型标注示例: int: 整数类型 float: 浮点数类型 str: 字符串类型 bool: 布尔类型 list: 列表类型 dict:…