Flask es un framework de Python que nos permite crear aplicaciones web de forma rápida y sencilla. En este tutorial,…
In this tutorial, we will learn how to create an API endpoint using FastAPI, a modern and fast web framework…
“10,000 Dólares para Django” é um clássico filme de faroeste dublado em português, que conta a história de um pistoleiro…
在這個教程中,我們將介紹如何使用PySimpleGUI來創建一個簡單的GUI界面。PySimpleGUI是一個Python庫,它可以讓你輕鬆地創建和定制GUI應用程序,無需進行繁瑣的GUI編程。我們將使用廣東話(Cantonese)來編寫這個教程,並通過使用Python來實現我們的GUI應用程序。 步驟1:安裝PySimpleGUI 首先,我們需要安裝PySimpleGUI庫。你可以通過在終端中運行以下命令來安裝PySimpleGUI: pip install PySimpleGUI 確保你的電腦已經安裝了Python和pip。如果你還沒有安裝這些,你可以從Python官方網站下載最新的Python版本。 步驟2:創建一個簡單的GUI應用程序 現在,我們將創建一個簡單的GUI應用程序。首先,創建一個名為"hello_world.py"的Python腳本文件。在這個文件中,我們將添加以下代碼來顯示一個簡單的GUI窗口: import PySimpleGUI as sg layout = [[sg.Text(‘你好,世界!’, font=’楷體 18′, key=’-OUTPUT-‘)], [sg.Button(‘點擊我’)]]…
미니멀 차박캠핑은 자연 속에서 조용하게 쉴 수 있는 미니멀한 방식의 캠핑을 말합니다. 이번에 준비한 캠핑은 한 평소에 체험하기 어려운 우대갈비와…
In this tutorial, we will create a Tic Tac Toe game using Tkinter and Python. Tic Tac Toe is a…
Welcome to this tutorial on Python desktop application development with PyQt! In this course, we will learn how to create…
Garis Keras is an Indonesian modified crossword puzzle game that is gaining popularity both in Indonesia and worldwide. This game…
In this tutorial, we will learn about 2-D parallelism using DistributedTensor and PyTorch DistributedTensor. Parallelism is the act of splitting…
TensorFlow is an open-source machine learning library developed by Google that is widely used for building and training various machine…