
  • Utilizing Reinforcement Learning PPO in LabVIEW to Beat Super Mario Bros

    Utilizing Reinforcement Learning PPO in LabVIEW to Beat Super Mario Bros

    LabVIEW Super Mario Bros Reinforcement Learning Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) is an advanced project that involves training an AI agent…

  • Florence in LabVIEW: Exploring VLM 2

    Florence in LabVIEW: Exploring VLM 2

    LabVIEW Florence – 2 VLM (Virtual Lab Modeler) is a powerful and versatile tool used to create virtual lab environments…

  • Implementation of Real-Time Object Tracking using YOLOv10 and DeepSORT Algorithm

    Implementation of Real-Time Object Tracking using YOLOv10 and DeepSORT Algorithm

    Real-time object tracking is a crucial task in computer vision applications such as surveillance, automated driving, and augmented reality. In…

  • 使用YOLO实现本地摄像头识别任意目标:yolov10本地部署与训练指南。


    在本教程中,我们将学习如何使用YOLO(You Only Look Once)算法,让本地摄像头识别任意目标。YOLO是一种先进的目标检测算法,它可以快速而准确地检测图像或视频中的目标。 首先,我们需要安装YOLOv10模型。YOLOv10是YOLO系列中的最新版本,它在性能和精度上都有很大提升。您可以在GitHub上找到YOLOv10的源代码和预训练模型。 一旦您下载了YOLOv10模型,接下来我们将学习如何在本地部署并训练该模型。以下是实现此目标的步骤: 下载YOLOv10模型并解压缩文件。 打开终端,并进入解压缩后的文件夹。 运行以下命令以安装所需的依赖项: <code> pip install -r requirements.txt </code> 接下来,运行以下命令以下载预训练模型: <code> python download_models.py </code>…