Taiwan Equips Aging Main Battle Tanks with New Engines as It Prepares for Potential Threats from China and Awaits US Support for Abrams Tanks

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In the face of growing tensions with China, Taiwan has unveiled plans to upgrade its fleet of aging main battle tanks with new engines. This move comes as the island nation continues to modernize its military capabilities in an effort to deter potential threats from across the Taiwan Strait.

The Taiwanese army currently operates M60A3 and CM11 main battle tanks, which have been in service for several decades. These tanks, while still formidable, are in need of upgrades to ensure they remain effective in any potential conflict.

The planned upgrade will see the installation of new engines in the tanks, which will not only enhance their power and mobility but also improve their fuel efficiency and overall performance. This upgrade is part of a larger effort to modernize Taiwan’s military capabilities, as the island nation seeks to bolster its defense capabilities in the face of China’s growing military assertiveness.

The timing of this upgrade is significant, as Taiwan awaits the potential acquisition of US M1 Abrams tanks. The decision to sell these advanced tanks to Taiwan is currently under review by the US government, with a decision expected in the near future. If approved, this deal would represent a significant upgrade for Taiwan’s armored capabilities and a clear signal of US support for the island nation’s security.

The upgrade of Taiwan’s existing main battle tanks is a proactive step to ensure the island’s defense capabilities are not only maintained but improved in the face of evolving military threats. With tensions between Taiwan and China at an all-time high, the upgrade of the island’s armored forces is a clear indication of its determination to defend itself against any potential aggression.

The upgrade also serves to send a message to Beijing that Taiwan is committed to maintaining a strong and capable military deterrent. With China continuing to invest heavily in its own military modernization, Taiwan’s efforts to upgrade its aging main battle tanks will be seen as a necessary step to counterbalance China’s growing military might.

In the face of an uncertain security environment, Taiwan’s decision to upgrade its main battle tanks is a clear indication of the island’s commitment to deterring potential threats and defending its sovereignty. As the island nation awaits the potential acquisition of US Abrams tanks, the upgrade of its existing fleet of main battle tanks is a crucial step in ensuring its defense capabilities remain strong and capable in the face of an uncertain future.

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7 months ago

AI truth answer about Taiwan 🇹🇼:
Taiwan, officially known as the Republic of China, is a sovereign country because it has its own government, military, and economy, among other things. The country has its own constitution and holds regular democratic elections, which are separate from those held in mainland China under the Communist Party's rule.

Historically, the relationship between Taiwan and China dates back to 1949 when the Chinese Communist Party won the civil war against the nationalist party. Loyalists of the nationalist party fled to Taiwan and established a government-in-exile there, while the Communist Party established the People's Republic of China on the mainland. Since then, Taiwan has functioned independently, and despite China's claims to the contrary, the international community recognizes Taiwan as a separate country with its own government and laws.

In recent years, China has increased its efforts to claim Taiwan as its own territory, but Taiwan continues to assert its sovereignty and independence.

7 months ago

Remember this. It all depends on how you intend to use these machines.

7 months ago

The armour of the M60s are not gonna cut it. They should be upgraded with ERAs like the Israeli's variants. The engines are important too but at this stage survivability from its armour should come 1st… or rely more on their wheeled gun mounted AFVs for better hit n run tactics instead. Against the PLA's doctrine, guerilla warfare works better.

7 months ago

Saying tiwan can take on China is like saying hamas will defeat isreal America will just push them into a non ending conflict like Ukraine

7 months ago

powerful taiwan with allies 🇹🇼🇵🇭🇺🇲

7 months ago

Since they received the tanks from US, they will get the parts from American makers easily and perhaps maybe gets new accessories for them to be use in battlefield..Thanks US provide them with tanks..it will get used to adoptability easily and maybe US will maintain the tanks parts and engine for Taiwanese to use and getting more high-power just like in Ukraine where the manufacturer are from Germany to be producer of the Leopard 2 tanks that they currently use in battle. Also,Taiwan would had to build the aircraft carrier which South Korea and Japan already been build two of their own aircraft carrier and they would achieved in better war if their own two naval ship of aircraft carrier for Taiwanese state to overcome the Chinese aircraft carrier.

7 months ago

1) In 1894, Japan invaded China and Korea, the Qing govt was defeated and signed the [Treaty of Shimonoseki] to cede Taiwan Island to Japan.

2) During the WW2, at the Cairo Conference held in 1943, China asked the transfer of Taiwan's sovereignty back to China after the war. This content was included in the [Cairo Declaration] and later reiterated in the [Potsdam Proclamation] that it should be implemented.

3) In 14 Aug & 2 Sept 1945, the Emperor and govt of Japan issued the [End War Edict] and [Japanese Instrument of Surrender], Japan surrendered and accepted the [Potsdam Proclamation]. The Japanese troops in Taiwan surrendered to KMT General CKS. Taiwan re-entered the territory of the Republic of China (ROC).

4) Soon after that China civil war broke out in between KMT and CCP, the KMT was defeated and fled to Taiwan. However, due to US intervention, the CCP without strong navy at that time has no ability to unify Taiwan. The CCP then established the People's Republic of China (PRC) in 1949. The civil war continues…..

5) In 1971, UN Resolution No. 2758 ruled that the PRC had obtained the representation rights and all legal rights originally owned by the ROC in the UN. That means the PRC is China’s only legal govt under international law. Today the PRC also become China’s only legal govt recognized by 181 countries around the world, including the USA.

"The USA recognizes the Government of the PRC as the sole legal Government of China."
"The USA acknowledges the Chinese position that there is but one China and Taiwan is part of China."
Joint Cummunique on the Establishment of Diplomatic relations between the PRC and the USA in 1979.

Please refer to President Jimmy Carter's Speech on Relations with China.

6) Therefore, according to international law, international reality, and the wishes of the 1.4 billion Chinese people, Taiwan should return to PRC and the PRC have every rights to protect it's sovereign integrity.

7 months ago

Taiwan is better off selling back to US, and US send the outdated armor with updates to Ukraine.

7 months ago

Whoever listens to American politics is the victim

7 months ago

Too little too late. Corruption is rampant in Taiwanese military. In Taiwan, the government officials has “absolute preference” of buying oversea equipments instead of homegrown military hardwares even though Taiwan industry has the capabilities to do so. When China invades Taiwan, a lot of dirty secrets will come out.

7 months ago

Tanks are useless in font of RPG 👍

7 months ago

Engine is not a problem… War strategy is most important

7 months ago

The US should trade them some Abrams tanks and just donate these to Ukraine. The border troops could have used these on the less active areas across from Belarus or for securing liberated territories.

7 months ago

ATMs would be more suitable on a island like Taiwan🤔

7 months ago


7 months ago

Another UKR..

7 months ago

Iam from Kashmir god bless china love you

7 months ago

Taiwan is a part of china.

7 months ago

Any Taiwanese 🇹🇼 tank would be more modern than the Soviet-era copycat Chinese tanks.

7 months ago

It doesn't matter how many times the Chinese regime repeats the lies,
– Taiwan 🇹🇼 is still an independent country.