Take a Sneak Peek at a Next.js Application Integrated with Drupal

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Preview a Next.js application from Drupal

Preview a Next.js application from Drupal

Next.js is a popular framework for building React applications, and Drupal is a powerful content management system. In this article, we will discuss how to preview a Next.js application from Drupal.

Why Preview from Drupal?

Drupal is often used to manage the content of a website, and Next.js is commonly used for the front-end application. By integrating Drupal with Next.js, content editors can preview how the content will look in the actual application without having to switch back and forth between different systems.

Integrating Next.js with Drupal

To preview a Next.js application from Drupal, you will need to integrate the two systems. This can be done by using Drupal’s REST API to fetch content from Drupal and then rendering it in the Next.js application. You can also use the getStaticProps or getServerSideProps methods in Next.js to fetch data from Drupal when the page is requested.

Content Preview in Next.js

Once you have integrated Drupal with Next.js, you can create a preview functionality that allows content editors to see how their changes will look in the actual application. This can be achieved by providing a preview link in Drupal that passes the necessary data to the Next.js application.

Benefits of Previewing from Drupal

Previewing a Next.js application from Drupal offers several benefits, including:

  • Streamlined workflow for content editors
  • Real-time preview of content changes
  • Consistent user experience across different systems


Integrating Drupal with Next.js enables content editors to preview how their changes will look in the actual application. This can improve the workflow and provide a more seamless experience for managing content. By leveraging the REST API of Drupal and the flexibility of Next.js, you can create a powerful and user-friendly preview functionality.

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7 months ago

This is great! This would really help calm management about decoupling our sites while allowing us to use the tech stack we want to develop with. Win for management and a win for the developers! 😀