
Tanstack Query 05: Key Default Settings

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Tanstack Query is a powerful tool for managing and manipulating data in JavaScript applications. In the latest release, Tanstack Query 05, there are some important default settings that every developer should be aware of.

One of the key features of Tanstack Query 05 is the new default behavior for data fetching. By default, Tanstack Query will now automatically refetch data if the underlying query changes. This means that if a query’s parameters change, Tanstack Query will automatically trigger a new request to the server to fetch updated data. This is a significant improvement over previous versions, where developers had to manually handle data refetching.

Another important default setting in Tanstack Query 05 is the inclusion of stale-while-revalidate caching behavior. This means that by default, Tanstack Query will use stale data while attempting to revalidate it in the background. This can greatly improve the perceived performance of an application by providing instant data from the cache while ensuring that the data is always up to date.

Additionally, Tanstack Query 05 introduces a default setting for automatic error retrying. By default, Tanstack Query will automatically retry failed requests with exponential backoff, meaning that it will wait progressively longer between retries to avoid overwhelming the server. This can greatly improve the reliability of data fetching in an application, as it reduces the likelihood of transient errors causing disruption.

Developers can easily override these default settings in Tanstack Query 05 to suit their specific needs, but the new defaults provide a solid foundation for most applications. With improved data fetching behavior, caching, and error handling, Tanstack Query 05 makes it easier than ever to manage and manipulate data in JavaScript applications.

In conclusion, Tanstack Query 05 introduces some important default settings that every developer should be aware of. With automatic data refetching, stale-while-revalidate caching, and automatic error retrying, Tanstack Query 05 provides a powerful and reliable tool for managing data in JavaScript applications. Whether you’re building a small personal project or a large enterprise application, Tanstack Query 05’s defaults can help you deliver a better user experience and improve the performance of your application.

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6 months ago

Hôm nào live lại đi a Hậu 😅

6 months ago

Dễ hiểu quá anh!! Mong anh ra thêm video ạ❤❤