Testing a local React or Next.js website on a phone before deployment: A step-by-step guide

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Testing React or Next.js Website on Phone

How to Test Local React or Next.js Website Live on Phone Before Deployment

If you are developing a React or Next.js website and want to test it on your mobile device before deploying it, there are a few ways you can do so. Testing your website on different screen sizes and devices can help you ensure that it looks and functions properly on all platforms.

Using Localhost and Your Phone’s Browser

One of the easiest ways to test your local React or Next.js website on your phone is to run your development server on your computer’s localhost and access it from your phone’s browser. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Run your development server by using the command npm start for React or npm run dev for Next.js.
  2. Find your computer’s local IP address by running the command ipconfig in the command prompt (for Windows) or ifconfig in the terminal (for MacOS or Linux).
  3. On your phone, open the browser and type in the URL with your computer’s local IP address followed by the port number that your development server is running on (e.g.,
  4. You should now see your React or Next.js website running on your phone, allowing you to test its responsiveness and functionality.

Using Tools for Remote Testing

If you want a more seamless way to test your website on your phone, you can use tools like ngrok or localtunnel to create a secure tunnel to your localhost. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Install ngrok or localtunnel by following the instructions on their respective websites.
  2. Run your development server as usual.
  3. Use ngrok or localtunnel to create a secure tunnel to your localhost by running a command like ngrok http 3000 or lt --port 3000.
  4. You will be provided with a secure URL that you can access on your phone’s browser to test your website live.

Testing your local React or Next.js website on your phone before deployment can help you catch any potential issues and ensure a smooth user experience on all devices. By following these steps, you can easily test your website on different screen sizes and devices without having to deploy it first.

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4 months ago

tnx it works