Testing and Completing the Get Room Bookings API for a Hotel Management Project using Spring Boot and Angular (#38)

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Completing & Testing Get Room Bookings API | Hotel Management Project | Spring Boot + Angular | #38

Completing & Testing Get Room Bookings API

Hotel Management Project with Spring Boot + Angular | #38

Today, we will be completing and testing the Get Room Bookings API for our Hotel Management Project. This API will allow us to retrieve a list of room bookings from the database.

Steps to complete the API:

  1. Create a new method in our RoomBookingController to handle the GET request for room bookings
  2. Implement the business logic to retrieve room bookings from the database
  3. Return the list of room bookings as a JSON response

Testing the API:

Now that we have completed the API, it is time to test it to ensure it is working correctly. We can use tools like Postman to send a GET request to the API endpoint and verify the response.

Sample request:

GET /roomBookings

Sample response:

  "roomBookings": [
      "id": 1,
      "roomId": 101,
      "checkInDate": "2022-01-01",
      "checkOutDate": "2022-01-05"
      "id": 2,
      "roomId": 102,
      "checkInDate": "2022-02-01",
      "checkOutDate": "2022-02-05"

By testing the API, we can ensure that it is functioning as expected and returning the correct data.


Completing and testing the Get Room Bookings API is an important step in our Hotel Management Project. By following the steps above, we can ensure that our API is working correctly and providing the necessary functionality for our project.

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