Testing the Toroidal Drone Propeller Design and Sound at MIT #shorts

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Testing MIT’s Toroidal Drone Propeller Design & Sound #shorts

Testing MIT’s Toroidal Drone Propeller Design & Sound #shorts

MIT researchers have been experimenting with a new toroidal drone propeller design that aims to reduce noise levels during flight. The toroidal shape of the propeller allows for more efficient airflow, leading to quieter operation compared to traditional propeller designs.

In a recent test, MIT engineers flew a drone equipped with the toroidal propeller design and compared its noise levels to a standard drone propeller. The results were promising, with the toroidal propeller producing significantly lower sound levels during flight.

Not only does the toroidal propeller design offer benefits in terms of noise reduction, but it also increases efficiency and flight stability. The improved airflow around the toroidal shape results in smoother and more stable flight characteristics, making it a promising technology for future drone applications.

Overall, MIT’s toroidal drone propeller design shows great potential for reducing noise pollution in urban environments and improving the overall performance of drones. As researchers continue to refine the design and conduct more tests, we can expect to see this innovative technology make its way into commercial drone applications in the near future.

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19 days ago

Full Feature Video: https://youtu.be/C10XgojHu44 Also full credit to MIT and their fellow grad students for the basic design. I just used this for an educational video and to satisfy my curiosity, this prop was still heavily modified and different to accommodate the drone. These results are not entirely indicative of MITs real props.

19 days ago

Sounds much worse than original. I would assume that more noise means more turbulance, drag.

19 days ago

It has been known for a long time that women apply nail polish to make their nails more aerodynamic

19 days ago

Oh yeah.. quieter…

19 days ago

Wondering what it would sound like with precision machining.

19 days ago

It's noisy but on a lower keynote.

19 days ago

Bro, it’s literally way louder

19 days ago

When the “Quiet Propellers” sounds like a group of bikers zooming down the local freeway

19 days ago

And I thought nail-polished fingernails tapping was noisy..

19 days ago

how garbage

19 days ago

need used soft plastic

19 days ago

If I remember correctly y'all are complaining but these things were made for boats

19 days ago

Noisier but a lot safer

19 days ago

well the loudness of the prop seems irrelevant when four motors screams in your ear anyway…

19 days ago

Not much of a difference (to me).

19 days ago

this is a terrible video

19 days ago

Thing went 💥💥😹😹😹

19 days ago

I really don't hear any difference

19 days ago

It’s pronounced “tore-oyd-ull”

19 days ago

Doesn't sound quieter but does sound cooler.

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