Testing YOLOv8 Models on Custom Video Data

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YOLOv8 Models Tests on Custom Videos

YOLOv8 Models Tests on Custom Videos

YOLOv8, short for You Only Look Once version 8, is a convolutional neural network for real-time object detection. It is known for its speed and accuracy in detecting objects in images and videos. In recent years, YOLOv8 has been widely used in computer vision applications, including surveillance, autonomous vehicles, and robotics.

One of the key advantages of YOLOv8 is its ability to be trained and tested on custom datasets. This allows developers to create custom object detection models tailored to specific use cases. In this article, we will discuss how YOLOv8 models can be tested on custom videos.

Preparing Custom Videos for Testing

Before testing YOLOv8 models on custom videos, it is important to preprocess the videos to ensure optimal performance. This can involve resizing the videos, adjusting the frame rate, and converting the videos to compatible formats. Additionally, the videos should be annotated with ground truth bounding boxes for the objects of interest.

Testing YOLOv8 Models

Once the custom videos are prepared, YOLOv8 models can be tested using the preprocessed videos as input. The models will analyze each frame of the video and output bounding boxes and class predictions for the detected objects. Developers can then evaluate the performance of the models based on metrics such as precision, recall, and mean average precision.

Visualizing the Results

To visualize the results of the YOLOv8 model tests on custom videos, developers can overlay the predicted bounding boxes on the original video frames. This allows for a visual inspection of the model’s performance and can help identify any areas for improvement.


Testing YOLOv8 models on custom videos is a crucial step in the development of custom object detection solutions. By analyzing the model’s performance on real-world video data, developers can iteratively improve the models and ensure their effectiveness in practical applications.

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7 months ago

Is the inference done on CPU/GPU?