TFX 7 | Incorporating BigQuery Database in TFX Pipeline using Python, TensorFlow, Machine Learning, and MLOps

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TFX 7 | Ingesting Bigquery Database in TFX Pipeline

TFX 7 | Ingesting Bigquery Database in TFX Pipeline

When building machine learning pipelines with TFX, it is common to use BigQuery as a source of data. In this tutorial, we will learn how to ingest data from a BigQuery database into a TFX pipeline using Python and TensorFlow.

Step 1: Setup

First, make sure you have installed TensorFlow Extended (TFX) and have a Google Cloud account with access to BigQuery. You will also need to install the necessary Python libraries for accessing BigQuery.

Step 2: Connecting to BigQuery

To connect to the BigQuery database, you will need to create a client using the library. You will also need to authenticate with your Google Cloud account credentials.

from import bigquery

client = bigquery.Client()

Step 3: Querying Data

Once you have connected to the BigQuery database, you can write SQL queries to retrieve the data you need for your TFX pipeline. You can use the client.query() method to execute the query and retrieve the results as a DataFrame.

query = “””
FROM `project.dataset.table`

df = client.query(query).to_dataframe()

Step 4: Preprocessing Data

Before ingesting the data into the TFX pipeline, you may need to preprocess the data to clean and transform it. You can use libraries like pandas or TensorFlow Transform for this step.

Step 5: Creating TFX Components

Now that you have the data ready, you can create TFX components like ExampleGen, StatisticsGen, and SchemaGen to ingest and analyze the data. You can configure these components to work with the data retrieved from BigQuery.

Step 6: Running the TFX Pipeline

Finally, you can run the TFX pipeline using the TFX CLI or Apache Airflow. The pipeline will ingest the data from BigQuery, preprocess it, and train machine learning models using TensorFlow.

By following these steps, you can easily ingest data from a BigQuery database into a TFX pipeline for building machine learning models. This approach is useful for handling large datasets and performing complex data transformations in a scalable manner.

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