Thai citizen shares harrowing experience as hostage in Gaza during Israel-Hamas conflict

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With the recent escalation of violence between Israel and Hamas, tensions in the Gaza strip have reached an all-time high. Amidst the chaos and fear, one Thai national found himself in the middle of the conflict – being held hostage by a militant group for several days.

The Thai national, who has chosen to remain anonymous, was traveling in Gaza as part of a humanitarian aid mission. Little did he know that he would become a pawn in the ongoing battle between Israel and Hamas.

According to the recount of his experience, the Thai national was taken captive by a militant group who demanded a ransom for his release. Held in a small, dark room with little food and water, he feared for his life and did not know if he would ever see his family again.

During his time in captivity, he witnessed firsthand the devastating impact of the conflict on the people of Gaza. The constant sound of explosions and gunfire filled him with fear and despair, as he hoped for a peaceful resolution to the violence.

After several days of turmoil and uncertainty, the Thai national was eventually released and reunited with his loved ones. His experience as a hostage in Gaza has left a lasting impact on him, and he hopes to use his story to raise awareness about the plight of the people living in the war-torn region.

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas has caused immense suffering for the people of Gaza, with many innocent civilians becoming victims of the violence. The international community has called for an end to the bloodshed and for both sides to come to the negotiation table to find a peaceful resolution.

The Thai national’s story is a sobering reminder of the human cost of war and the importance of working towards peace and reconciliation. It is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring hope for a better future for the people of Gaza.

As the Israel-Hamas war continues to unfold, it is crucial for the international community to step up efforts to bring an end to the violence and find a lasting solution to the conflict. The people of Gaza deserve to live in peace and security, free from the fear of violence and bloodshed.

The Thai national’s experience as a hostage in Gaza serves as a harrowing reminder of the toll of war on innocent individuals caught in the crossfire. His bravery and resilience in the face of adversity should serve as an inspiration for us all to work towards a more peaceful and just world for all.

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6 months ago

Country is being occupied I don't blame him for wanting a job but he sould of educated him self on what was hoing on there

6 months ago

It saddens me as I sit here in Bangkok that all these Thai people had to go and some still going through this. The Thai people are such nice and humble people and they went to Israel for betterment of pay to help support their families – they did not deserve this – no one does 😥 🇹🇭 🇮🇱 ☮

6 months ago

Liar journalist let him tell us how they treat him They didnt touch him all you talk about is the misery of Thais any words about the 20 thousands victms killed in Gaza or 5000 hostages 500 kids No that's American's propaganda

6 months ago

What in the worl s a tai doing in a such dangerous area??

6 months ago

Why in so many places you can go and work, this dude wanted to work in terrorist state of zionist israel?? My goodness

6 months ago

Nope, seems your statement like IDF was. Distorting facts. Theres only israeli occupation, not egypt nor jordan. And they already did it for long time

And yeah, we didnt talk about uighur, syirian etc. Only talk about israel and palestine.

6 months ago

I would not enter or remain upon an occupied land. You want the money, you run the risk.

6 months ago

I would not enter or remain upon an occupied land. You want the money, you run the risk.

6 months ago

So it is an Israel – Hamas war? Really?! What a disrespectful video title. It is a war against Palestine. Against the people of Palestine not even military vs military. It's a genocide and video title says Israel vs Hamas…

6 months ago

Islam is an amazing and wonderful religion.

6 months ago

Maybe Thai government had lobbied the Qatar government to ask Hamas to release Thai hostages with money in return.

6 months ago


6 months ago

I pray these innocent are safe and return to their home
And that the brutal occupation since 1948 is to be over which is way dangerous and scary as it is supported and given them some legal armies and legal state
And finally

6 months ago

"Most Zionists don't believe that God exists, but they believe that he promised them Palestine."
— Ilan Pappe

His book, "Ethnic Cleansing Of Palestine" is available free on audible.

6 months ago

"We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of Palestine." —Nelson Mandela

6 months ago

Why you work in apartheid country…?

6 months ago

Lies lies lies. How much did you pay him to lie like that

6 months ago

What about Palestinian ?
75 year of brutal occupation ?
What about 27000 Palestinians
12000 children ?
O w8 west have a double standard

6 months ago

mise en scene,comme d hab..

6 months ago

kasihan ya mereka… jadi korban HAMAS, sementara mrk tidak mengerti kondisinya seperti apa!😔😞