“That’s Precisely My Point!” – A Review of Django Unchained (2012)

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In Part 6 of Quentin Tarantino’s film “Django Unchained,” titled “That’s Exactly What I Mean!” we see the climax of the film where Django, played by Jamie Foxx, finally confronts Calvin Candie, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, at Candyland plantation. This part of the film is tense, dramatic, and action-packed, as Django must use all of his intelligence, wit, and cunning to outsmart the cunning and brutal Candie.

The scene begins with Django and Dr. King Schultz, played by Christoph Waltz, arriving at Candyland plantation to negotiate the release of Django’s wife Broomhilda, played by Kerry Washington, who is still enslaved on the plantation. Schultz has concocted a plan to pose as potential buyers of Mandingo fighters in order to gain access to the plantation and rescue Broomhilda.

As they arrive at Candyland, they are greeted by Mr. Stephen, played by Samuel L. Jackson, the loyal house slave who is suspicious of the newcomers. Despite Stephen’s skepticism, Candie welcomes Schultz and Django into his home and begins negotiations for the purchase of a Mandingo fighter. However, tensions quickly escalate as Schultz grows increasingly fed up with Candie’s racist and vulgar behavior.

As the negotiations become increasingly tense, Schultz gives himself away by impulsively shooting Candie in a fit of rage. This reckless act leads to a violent confrontation between the plantation’s slaves and the white men, as Django and Broomhilda fight to escape the violence and make their way out of Candyland.

Throughout this part of the film, Tarantino masterfully builds tension and suspense, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats as Django and Schultz navigate the dangerous world of Candyland plantation. The dynamic performances of the talented cast only serve to enhance the drama and intensity of the scene, as Django’s determination and cunning are put to the ultimate test in his quest to rescue Broomhilda.

In conclusion, Part 6 of “Django Unchained” is a thrilling and action-packed segment of the film that showcases Tarantino’s skill as a storyteller and filmmaker. The tension and drama that unfold in this part of the film are sure to keep audiences engaged and invested in Django’s journey as he navigates the treacherous world of the antebellum South. With its powerful performances, richly drawn characters, and expertly crafted suspense, Part 6 of “Django Unchained” is a must-see for fans of Tarantino’s work and lovers of gripping cinema. So grab your popcorn and settle in for a wild ride as Django and Broomhilda fight for their freedom in “That’s Exactly What I Mean!”

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12 days ago

You can watch "Django Unchained" for free using the Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial linked on my channel page!

12 days ago

Islam is dangerous.

12 days ago

Bro wasn't acting💀

12 days ago

Great movie.

12 days ago

Wait 🫷 Has YouTube security/reparation department seen and heard this clip? 😮

12 days ago

I love this scene.

12 days ago

Weird seeing Luke Duke saying nigher

12 days ago

Wonderful – he say it in German-Wunderbar-interesting

12 days ago

For a second, i thought this was a scene from red dead redemption 2.

12 days ago

Yo wtf was that spit

12 days ago

Shit look like tumbleweed lol

12 days ago

4eva love Django

12 days ago

Tarantino is a genius

12 days ago

This is a Christmas movie right? Or just watch it on Christmas.. idk

12 days ago

the n word hard r is crazy

12 days ago

That split alone speeks louder😂😂

12 days ago


12 days ago

Why did he say the n word

12 days ago

Ah Landa da sind sie ja

12 days ago

"you and your person of african colored american person of melanated enriched colored person step outside please" is the woke way to say it

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