
The 39.5th day of my journey to creating 33 successful startups and achieving wealth

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Day 39.5 of Making 33 Startups

Day 39.5 of Making 33 Startups Until I Become Rich

Today marks the halfway point in my journey to create 33 startups in order to become rich. It has been an exhilarating ride so far, filled with ups and downs, but I am determined to see this through to the end.


As I look back on the past 39.5 days, I am amazed at how much I have learned and grown. Each startup has presented its own set of challenges, but I have tackled them head-on and come out stronger because of it.

One of the most important lessons I have learned is the importance of perseverance. There have been times when I wanted to give up, but I reminded myself of my ultimate goal and pushed through the difficulties. This determination has been crucial to my progress.

Current Startup Progress

As of day 39.5, I have successfully launched 19 startups. Some of them have gained traction and are showing promise, while others have not performed as well as I had hoped. However, I am not discouraged, as I know that failure is just a stepping stone to success.

One of the most exciting aspects of this journey has been the feedback from users. Their input has been invaluable in shaping the direction of my startups and I am grateful for their support.

Looking Ahead

With 13.5 startups left to create, I am energized and ready to tackle the challenges that lie ahead. I am constantly brainstorming new ideas and refining existing ones in order to bring my vision to life.

While the road to success may be long and arduous, I am confident that the knowledge and experience gained from this endeavor will prove to be invaluable in the long run.


Day 39.5 of my journey to create 33 startups has been a period of reflection and reinvigoration. I am more determined than ever to reach my goal and become rich through my entrepreneurial endeavors.

Stay tuned for more updates on my progress as I approach the final stretch of this challenging yet rewarding journey.

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6 months ago

😈👊 JOIN THE BEST STARTUP DISCORD HERE: https://discord.gg/8pGbHdQCRm

6 months ago

You mentioned in this stream that you think nobody's watching these long-ass streams after they're up. Just want to say that I absolutely am! I often watch when you're live, but I ALWAYS watch the replays, especially while I work. The streams are so inspiring! It will be incredible when there are hundreds of these streams available for new subscribers, who will be able to watch you build an empire from zero. No other entrepreneurs have that kind of transparency.