The Archill Podcast #3: Sandro and Dudu on Browsers, Javascript, React, and React Native

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Sandro and Dudu: Browsers, Javascript, React, React Native | archill podcast #3

Sandro and Dudu: Browsers, Javascript, React, React Native | archill podcast #3

Welcome to the archill podcast #3 where we dive deep into the world of web development with Sandro and Dudu. In this episode, we discuss browsers, Javascript, React, and React Native and how they are changing the way we build and interact with web applications.


Sandro and Dudu talk about the different web browsers and how they have evolved over the years. They discuss the importance of cross-browser compatibility and the challenges developers face in ensuring their websites work seamlessly across all major browsers.


Javascript is the language of the web and Sandro and Dudu share their insights on its power and versatility. They explore the latest advancements in Javascript and how it is being used to build modern web applications with enhanced functionality and interactivity.


React has revolutionized the way developers build user interfaces. Sandro and Dudu discuss the benefits of using React for creating dynamic and reusable UI components and how it is reshaping the web development landscape.

React Native

With the rise of mobile devices, React Native has emerged as a powerful tool for building cross-platform mobile applications. Sandro and Dudu delve into the advantages of using React Native and how it is bridging the gap between web and mobile app development.

Overall, this podcast provides valuable insights into the latest trends and technologies in web development. Whether you are a seasoned developer or just getting started, there is something for everyone in this episode.

Tune in and join the conversation on archill podcast #3!

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6 months ago

didn't know Charles Leclerc did software engineering on the side