The Ascent and Decline of AngularJS: A Developer’s Journey #javascript #technology #developer #software #programming

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The Rise AND Fall of AngularJS

The Rise AND Fall of AngularJS

AngularJS, developed by Google, was one of the most popular front-end frameworks for web development. It gained widespread adoption among developers due to its features like two-way data binding, dependency injection, and robust routing capabilities. However, over time, AngularJS faced challenges that led to its decline in popularity.

The Rise of AngularJS

AngularJS was first released in 2009 and quickly gained a large following among developers. Its powerful features made it a popular choice for building dynamic and interactive web applications. Two-way data binding allowed developers to synchronize data between the model and the view effortlessly. Dependency injection made it easy to manage components and modules within an application. AngularJS also provided robust routing capabilities for building single-page applications.

The Fall of AngularJS

Despite its initial success, AngularJS faced several challenges that led to its decline in popularity. One of the main issues was the release of Angular 2, a complete rewrite of the framework that introduced breaking changes and was not backwards compatible with AngularJS. This caused many developers to migrate to other frameworks like React and Vue.js, which were gaining popularity at the time. Additionally, AngularJS was criticized for its complex and verbose syntax, which made it challenging for developers to learn and maintain codebases.

The Future of AngularJS

Although AngularJS has experienced a decline in popularity, it is still used in many legacy applications and continues to have a loyal user base. Google has released updates and patches to support existing AngularJS applications, but the focus has shifted to Angular, the successor to AngularJS. Angular is a more modern and efficient framework that addresses many of the issues faced by AngularJS. It remains to be seen what the future holds for AngularJS, but it is clear that its legacy will live on in the world of web development.

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1 month ago

Spicy comment section. Oh boy! 🍿

1 month ago

React is not a framework

1 month ago

Remember guys, just because a dude with a camera and some skills in video editing doesn't mean he is right. There's no competition but in his imagination.

1 month ago

So you sold us about the rise, but not the fall

1 month ago

Angular is love

1 month ago

I like Angular better, AngularJS is weird.

1 month ago

In software engineering terms… wjere is the universal component that always fit.. hence can be produced organized properly…😅😅😅

Hv u properly test it … tast cases autimated tmfor deployments 😅😅😅

1 month ago

"Still has a chance to compete with the big dogs"
Angular IS part of the big dogs

1 month ago

ANGULAR will survive, no second thought about it

1 month ago

I'm a ng dev, I think angular js is dead

1 month ago

plus some websites still use AngularJS 1.8!

1 month ago

I would just like to remind everyone that react is technically not a framework. Thank you, that is all.

1 month ago

Haha, Angular introduce breaking changes every 6 months. Good luck.

1 month ago

react is like going to school, and then remembering you forgot to put on your pants!

1 month ago

React is not framework

1 month ago

Umm, Angular has a chance to fight big dogs???

Angular IS the big dog

1 month ago

Love your content, what software do you use to edit these yt shorts?

1 month ago

Angular > BareBones React > Angular.js

1 month ago

Angular never fell, it just had a rough transition
Angular still dominates enterprise appications
React and Vue are more popular with consumer applications

1 month ago

The way I read or learn as bit of react was a more messy than angular…

When you dominate MEAN or PEAN stack, you're God.