
The Best Method for Implementing Sticky Headers in React: A Complete Headroom Tutorial

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The Correct Way To Implement Sticky Headers | React Headroom Tutorial

The Correct Way To Implement Sticky Headers

If you are building a website or web application, you may have encountered the need for sticky headers. Sticky headers are headers that remain fixed at the top of the screen even as the user scrolls down the page. This can be a great way to enhance the user experience by keeping important navigation elements easily accessible at all times.

Using the React Headroom Library

One of the best ways to implement sticky headers in a React application is by using the React Headroom library. This library makes it easy to create a sticky header that automatically hides and shows itself as the user scrolls. This can help to save valuable screen real estate while still providing easy access to important navigation elements.

Implementing Sticky Headers with React Headroom

To implement sticky headers with React Headroom, follow these steps:

  • Install the React Headroom library by running npm install react-headroom
  • Import the library in your React component by adding import Headroom from 'react-headroom';
  • Use the Headroom component in your JSX and provide the desired styling and behavior options
  • Enjoy a sticky header that automatically hides and shows itself as the user scrolls

Examples and Tutorials

If you’re looking for more detailed examples and tutorials on how to implement sticky headers with React Headroom, there are plenty of resources available online. Many developers and bloggers have written in-depth tutorials and provided code examples to help you get started.


Sticky headers can be a great way to improve the user experience on your website or web application. By using the React Headroom library, you can easily implement sticky headers that automatically hide and show themselves as the user scrolls. With the right resources and tutorials, you can quickly and effectively integrate this feature into your React projects.

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6 months ago

Brilliant video! Thanks a bunch.

6 months ago

please help, why am i getting this error.
Server Error

TypeError: Super expression must either be null or a function, not undefined

This error happened while generating the page. Any console logs will be displayed in the terminal window.

Call Stack


node_modulesreact-headroomdistindex.js (43:112)


node_modulesreact-headroomdistindex.js (49:2)


node_modulesreact-headroomdistindex.js (371:2)


file:///C:/Users/user/Desktop/vision/.next/server/app/page.js (1822:1)


file:///C:/Users/user/Desktop/vision/.next/server/webpack-runtime.js (33:42)


webpack-internal:///(rsc)/./app/layout.tsx (12:72)


file:///C:/Users/user/Desktop/vision/.next/server/app/page.js (1074:1)


file:///C:/Users/user/Desktop/vision/.next/server/webpack-runtime.js (33:42)


node:internal/process/task_queues (95:5)

async collectGenerateParams

file:///C:/Users/user/Desktop/vision/node_modules/next/dist/build/utils.js (826:17)

6 months ago

Great tutorial to a very common ui element. Great video.

6 months ago

What font this is in vscode?