The Complete Guide to FastAPI: Python Tutorial for Beginners

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FastAPI is a modern web framework for building APIs with Python 3.6+ which is based on standard Python type hints. It is fast (high-performance), web-based (based on standard Python types and function-based views), and also introduces automatic Interactive API documentation. In this tutorial, we will go through how to use FastAPI to build APIs in Python.

Make sure you have Python 3.6 or higher installed on your system. You can check this by running python --version in your command line or terminal.

Step 1: Installing FastAPI
You can install FastAPI using pip, which is a Python package manager. Run the following command in your terminal to install FastAPI and uvicorn (a lightning-fast ASGI server):

pip install fastapi uvicorn

Step 2: Creating a FastAPI App
To create a FastAPI app, you need to create a Python file and import FastAPI from the fastapi package. Then, create an instance of the FastAPI class. Here’s an example of a simple FastAPI app:

from fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI()

def read_root():
    return {"message": "Hello, World"}

Save this code to a file named

Step 3: Running the FastAPI App
To run the FastAPI app, you need to use uvicorn. Run the following command in your terminal:

uvicorn app:app --reload

This command runs the uvicorn server with the app module (Python file) and reloads the server whenever you make changes to the code.

Step 4: Accessing the API Documentation
FastAPI automatically generates interactive API documentation for your app, which you can access in your browser. Open your browser and go to http://localhost:8000/docs to view the API documentation.

Step 5: Adding API Endpoints
You can add more endpoints to your FastAPI app by defining more functions with the @app.get,, @app.put, @app.delete, etc., decorators. Here’s an example of adding a POST endpoint to the FastAPI app:"/items/")
def create_item(item: dict):
    return item

This endpoint allows you to send a POST request with a JSON payload containing an item, which is then returned as the response.

Step 6: Handling Path Parameters
You can also define path parameters in your FastAPI app by adding them to the endpoint URLs. Here’s an example of an endpoint that takes a path parameter:

def read_item(item_id: int):
    return {"item_id": item_id}

This endpoint takes an item_id as a path parameter and returns a dictionary with the item_id.

Step 7: Handling Query Parameters
You can handle query parameters in your FastAPI app by adding them as function parameters with default values. Here’s an example of an endpoint that takes query parameters:

def read_items(skip: int = 0, limit: int = 10):
    return {"skip": skip, "limit": limit}

This endpoint takes skip and limit query parameters with default values and returns a dictionary with these values.

Step 8: Handling Request Body
You can handle request body data in your FastAPI app by creating a Pydantic model and using it as the parameter type. Here’s an example of an endpoint that takes a request body:

from pydantic import BaseModel

class Item(BaseModel):
    name: str
    price: float"/items/")
def create_item(item: Item):
    return item

This endpoint takes a JSON request body with a name and price field, validates the input against the Item model, and returns the input data.

In this tutorial, we have covered the basics of building APIs with FastAPI in Python. You now know how to install FastAPI, create a FastAPI app, run the app with uvicorn, access the interactive API documentation, add API endpoints, handle path and query parameters, and handle request body data. FastAPI is a powerful and easy-to-use framework for building high-performance APIs in Python.

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16 days ago

💡 Get my FREE 7-step guide to help you consistently design great software:

16 days ago

Might mention prerequisites for fastapi install!

16 days ago

How to use fastapi
Proceeds to skip the entire sqlalchemy portion to make it sound easy….

Django has sqlite out of the box…changing from that to something like postgresql or mysql is much better than from dictionaries…

16 days ago

This is really similar to Flask

16 days ago

"fast" repetition joke was great😂

16 days ago

Trying to run the api and consume with a mock client process. Problem is I'm using docker containers and can't access the api from my client procces. How do you run both at the same time?

16 days ago

It's really not clear what the use case for this is. It's not really anything to do with "API". It's a database interface. Just not clear at all what this is for.

16 days ago

silly question, but in the final product where is fastAPI/Python sitting – in your office or on the server? eg perl is on server

16 days ago

really nice

16 days ago


16 days ago

I have a question about the code in 10:03, you defined the Selection type is a dictionary but why you can return the selection value in the response object with a list 😀

16 days ago

Thank's From France very nice share

16 days ago

Do you make these codes available anywhere?

16 days ago

how does {item_id=} return item_id=int?? not super familiar with python.

16 days ago

This was great, thank you!

16 days ago

I have been using javascript for frontend and have a bit of practice of abckend with js. However, i have been thinking of moving to Python for fastapi and use it as my backend solution for any software that i create. I dont have much expreicne in Python.

Whay would you suggest? Should i solidify my backend skills in js or move to Python and fast api and use it.

I want to have a pleasant experience when bulidng backend and that is very good in security.

Your response would be helpful.

16 days ago

Socketify smokes fastapi

16 days ago

Another thanks for such quality content, that's really cool. Keep going, please.

16 days ago

Hi may I ask you why in category visual studio show error? Thank you

16 days ago

yes: fastapi, then pydantic and starlette and uvicorn and sqlalchemy and then vue.js for the admin and then the api for the communications between all the js and the api backend, then all the crud for all the objects.
Or use Django and focus on the actual problem you want to solve.

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