The contents of Rick’s Flask | Drinking Tips

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In the hit TV show “Rick and Morty,” one of the recurring gags involves the character Rick Sanchez and his trusty flask. Throughout the series, Rick can be seen pulling out his flask in various situations, from dire emergencies to casual social gatherings. Fans of the show have speculated about what Rick keeps in his flask, with many coming up with creative theories.

While the show never explicitly reveals what is in Rick’s flask, we can assume that it contains some form of alcohol. Rick is known for being a heavy drinker and often uses alcohol as a coping mechanism for his nihilistic worldview. In one episode, Rick even refers to his flask as his “emotional armor,” further cementing the idea that he uses it as a form of escapism.

So, if you want to drink like Rick, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First and foremost, it’s important to drink responsibly and in moderation. Rick’s drinking habits are often portrayed in a humorous light on the show, but in reality, excessive alcohol consumption can have serious consequences.

That being said, if you do decide to indulge in a drink from your own flask, here are a few tips on how to do it like Rick:

1. Choose your poison: While we can only speculate about what Rick drinks, you can pick your favorite alcoholic beverage to fill your flask. Whether it’s whiskey, vodka, or even a mixed cocktail, make sure it’s something you enjoy.

2. Keep it handy: Like Rick, always have your flask within arm’s reach. You never know when you might need a quick sip to take the edge off.

3. Share the wealth: Rick may be a selfish and self-centered character, but he occasionally shares his flask with others. If you’re feeling generous, offer a drink to a friend or loved one.

4. Drink like a pro: Finally, when it comes time to take a swig from your flask, do it with style. Hold it up high, take a confident sip, and savor the flavor.

In conclusion, while we may never know for sure what is in Rick’s flask, we can certainly take some inspiration from his drinking habits. Just remember to drink responsibly and enjoy in moderation. Cheers!

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2 hours ago

Thanks for watching! I Hope you stuck around to the end of this one…
Spirits from the show available here:
Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster:
Stainless Steel Flask:
Erik Beck's Indy Mogul Portal Gun (Tell 'em I sent you!):
HTD Pins:
HTD Shirts:

2 hours ago

Probably part absinthe and part everclear

2 hours ago

Subbed for the linguistics nerdiness alone

2 hours ago

It’s very interesting that he disagrees with George R Martin’s “furniture theory” because the creators of Rick and Morty have publicly stated they follow a “the hero’s journey”- which is a theory that all good stories follow the same cyclical template centered around one or multiple “hero”s. Strict adherence to this narrative structure is why every Rick and Morty episode feels familiar despite being 100% self contained.

2 hours ago

Awesome music by the way thank you for putting the link and what the name and the artist and of the song was

2 hours ago

I would argue that something can absolutely be "So unique", by being unique in many different categories at once. I would call something with a unique shape and color more unique than something with just a unique shape.

2 hours ago

Just finished the Long Island episode before this one and if you only have blue curaçao (like I did) it has a total sci-fi theme.

2 hours ago

I want a fantasy plumbus

2 hours ago

The Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster! I always envisioned that being an extremely sour drink

2 hours ago

Rick's flask has mids from blackberry mash shine

2 hours ago

Man those insiders 😂

2 hours ago

"… cognac always tastes like raisins…"

I mean, distilled wine… concentrated grape flavor… Seems to track?

2 hours ago

2:05 But…I am Rick

2 hours ago

Just make the drink!

2 hours ago

Pickle rick motha fukaz 😂

2 hours ago

I think it would be really cool if you took a pit from a peach or plum or maybe a large nut of some kind and freeze it in the center of a large ice cube to act as a garnish for the mega seed cocktail, 🤔 what does anyone else think? Could that work or is it a bit too much

2 hours ago

It’s everclear. Straight alcohol, maybe mixed with narcotics

2 hours ago

I might be Rick.

2 hours ago

it’s mega seed juice that shit that makes him smart neat prolly with alot of booz 2

2 hours ago

hopefully the show’s creator stays a great guy and doesn’t end up in prison.

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