
The Decline in Deployment to Vercel: Reasons Why People Are Choosing Not to Use It Anymore

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Why People Aren’t Deploying to Vercel Anymore

Why People Aren’t Deploying to Vercel Anymore

Over the past few years, Vercel has become a popular choice for deploying web applications. However, some developers are now hesitant to use the platform for various reasons.

1. Pricing Changes

Vercel recently made significant changes to its pricing model, which has caused concern among developers. Many have found the new pricing structure to be less flexible and more expensive, leading them to explore alternative deployment options.

2. Limited Integration Options

While Vercel offers seamless integration with popular frontend frameworks like Next.js and Nuxt.js, some developers have found that it lacks support for other technologies they use in their projects. This limitation has driven them to seek out deployment platforms with broader integration options.

3. Performance Concerns

Despite Vercel’s reputation for high performance and fast deployment times, some users have reported issues with slow loading speeds and inconsistent performance. These concerns have led them to question the reliability of the platform for their applications.

4. Support and Documentation

Several developers have expressed frustration with the level of support and documentation provided by Vercel. They have encountered difficulties troubleshooting issues and finding clear, concise information on how to use the platform effectively.

5. Privacy and Security

With increasing attention on data privacy and security, some developers have raised concerns about Vercel’s handling of sensitive information. They are wary of entrusting their applications to a platform that may not meet their standards for safeguarding user data.


While Vercel continues to be a popular choice for many developers, it’s clear that some are reconsidering their deployment decisions for valid reasons. As the landscape of web development continues to evolve, it’s important for platforms like Vercel to address these concerns and adapt to the changing needs of their users.

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6 months ago

Vercel is awesome. Crappy video.

6 months ago

I have used both, I love Vercel for its UX, but AWS has so much more freedom but it kinda needs a complete study to understand what is can do for you.. The other thing though, if you expect AWS Amplify to help you out with brute force / ddos attacks, you're wrong, you need all sorts of other services like WAF to prevent it.. So although Amplify sounds "Cheap", it doesn't always have to be.

6 months ago

call it developer experience (DX), not user experience

6 months ago

Well, thanks for comparison, but the title of the video is misleading

6 months ago

vercel is amazing.

6 months ago

Very great experience with Vercel

6 months ago

Vercel is overall easier to use, it is just two clicks from 404

6 months ago

next js and Mongo DB guidance are outdated… it is a very horrible user experience to figure out problems on your own.

6 months ago

You make a good point. I was not aware of the bandwidth pricing

6 months ago

Where else can i deploy vercel

6 months ago

click bait title for sure lol – but points taken!

6 months ago

Netlify doesn't fully support nextJS 13.5

6 months ago

AWS cost money, and too much MONEY!, is garbage for small projects!

6 months ago

Would be nice if you make a video as to why you think Netlify is a better alternative to Vercel. Have never used Netlify, I know it's somewhat similar, but don't know the exact pros/cons.

6 months ago

I see it differently about this subject; you can't expect the platform to help you scale up while keeping 20$/mo. When you have a decent traffic you should "contact sales" for Enterprise plan. I think that's how you scale with Vercel and that's where bandwith costs are revised.

6 months ago

Firebase hosting now supports NextJs

6 months ago

Regarding Amplify:
We have tried using amplify with react, graphql, cognito and dynmodb, but amplify made life
hard for our coder and it was not so flexible. Even though we wanted to give amplify a chance
(which we did), but besides being complex to work with, we ran into several dead ends at some
points. In the end we had to move to self managed mern stack, hosted on AWS Lightsail, which
works fine now. So in current state i can not recommend amplify as it does not feel like the tech
is ripe for broad, commercial use yet.

6 months ago

I love Vercel

6 months ago

isn't there a way to limit requests ?

6 months ago

A very well-made video. Thanks! I'm building my own NextJS deployment platform now.