The decline of Express.js: What’s causing its downfall?

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Why Express.js is Dying

Why Express.js is Dying

Express.js, a popular web application framework for Node.js, has been a staple in the web development community for years. However, its popularity is waning and many developers are starting to look for alternative options. There are a few key reasons why Express.js is dying.

Lack of updates and maintenance

One of the main reasons why Express.js is losing its appeal is the lack of updates and maintenance. The last major release of Express.js was in 2014, and since then, there has been very little activity in terms of new features or improvements. This has led to a stagnation of the framework, making it less attractive to developers who are looking for modern, up-to-date tools.

Complexity and boilerplate code

Express.js is known for its simplicity, but as projects grow in size and complexity, developers often find themselves writing a lot of boilerplate code to handle common tasks such as routing, error handling, and middleware. This can lead to a bloated codebase and a lack of maintainability, making it difficult for development teams to work efficiently and productively.

Competition from newer frameworks

In recent years, there has been a surge of new web application frameworks that offer more modern and robust features than Express.js. Frameworks like Koa, Nest, and Fastify are gaining popularity for their ease of use, performance, and support for modern JavaScript features. As a result, many developers are choosing these newer frameworks over Express.js for their projects.


While Express.js has been a solid choice for web development in the past, its lack of updates, complexity, and competition from newer frameworks are all contributing to its decline. As developers continue to seek more modern and efficient tools, it is likely that Express.js will continue to lose its standing in the web development community.

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9 months ago

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9 months ago

I dont see how tRPC can replace express.. it has middlewares for express and fastify, but you cant just use tRPC just by itself..

9 months ago


9 months ago

I'm humbled on how you agree to using inefficient data to do this video sir @TechMalachi. It'll be nice to see you do more content with accurate data. I'm subscribing to your channel.

9 months ago

I am using expressjs do i need to change ?

9 months ago

Well, this video is bullshit

9 months ago

114 million download in evry week …. That is express

9 months ago

Yea this video is very misleading. The fact that express has not got any major update is because that it does not need any major update.
Express is supposed to be a minimal and unopinionated framework and it does its job really well

9 months ago

I dont get it why nestjs is not on your list if you are talking about express (nodejs frameworks) 😂

9 months ago

nest js is the best alternative for nodejs developers

9 months ago

this video is so misleading. express js is used under the hood by the biggest frameworks and companies. and saying express is slow really shows that you are a beginner programmer. and the frameworks you mentioned are not even in top 5 of thew best node.js frameworks, neither have they ever had a chance against express nor will they ever have any chance in any time

9 months ago

nodejs or django… which one should I pick ?

9 months ago

If you're looking for a spring boot / laravel / symfony equivalent in nodejs go with NestJs.

9 months ago

After hearing about Fastify, I stopped using express completely.
And after I found that Fastify was 3.7x faster than Express, I converted my old apps to use Fastify too.

9 months ago

Adonis ?

9 months ago

Nest js ?