The Essential 5 Languages for AI Development: Don’t Miss Out!

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The ONLY 5 Languages You Need For AI Development (Before It’s Too Late!)

The ONLY 5 Languages You Need For AI Development (Before It’s Too Late!)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming various industries and becoming an integral part of our lives. As the demand for AI developers continues to rise, it’s crucial to equip yourself with the right programming languages to stay ahead in this competitive field. Here are the only five languages you need for AI development:

  1. Python
  2. Python is widely regarded as the primary programming language for AI development due to its simplicity and versatility. It offers a vast array of libraries and frameworks like TensorFlow, Keras, and PyTorch, which are essential for building AI models.

  3. JavaScript
  4. JavaScript is essential for developing AI applications that run on the web. With the rise of technologies like Node.js and TensorFlow.js, JavaScript has become indispensable for building AI-powered web applications.

  5. R
  6. R is a statistical programming language commonly used in data analysis and visualization. It is especially useful for AI development in fields like machine learning and data mining.

  7. C++
  8. C++ is known for its high performance and efficiency, making it ideal for developing AI algorithms that require optimized processing speeds. Many AI frameworks, like OpenCV and CUDA, are built using C++.

  9. Java
  10. Java is a popular programming language for developing enterprise-level AI applications. It is widely used in AI development for its scalability, reliability, and cross-platform compatibility.

By mastering these five programming languages, you’ll be well-equipped to embark on a successful career in AI development. Don’t wait until it’s too late – start learning these languages now and stay ahead of the curve in the rapidly evolving field of Artificial Intelligence!

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3 months ago

Bro telling about AI using AI 🙂

3 months ago

What about Rust and Go? Will those be useful in any way?

3 months ago

I don’t like python but is this list based on market survey, research and analysis or just your opinion? For me c++ was easy to learn and I fell in love with Java. But now I had to learn python, somehow it was difficult for me

3 months ago

No, not Python. Python is the worst language ever.

3 months ago

What about JavaScript 😢😢

3 months ago

5. 0:55 – Julia
4. 1:33 Java
3. 2:24 Haskell
2. 3:17 C++
1. 4:08 Python

I disagree, Python is all 90% of people will need. Also, people are ditching C++ for Rust which is easier, stronger, and faster.

3 months ago

I like your editing btw! I am glad you have included both older languages and some newer languages because I think that some newer people in the industry get scared they are going to be left behind. When in reality as long as they understand the fundamentals they can always pivot to a new tool depending on the task and be fine…now getting your foot in the door, that is the true obstacle not the languages themselves. (though I understand how they are sometimes tied together depending on volatility the market)

3 months ago

1:59 why did you show dart and flutter code while talking about Java? But overall a nice video

3 months ago

3:40 why you show screenshot of unreal blueprints while talking about c++ when they purpose is basically to let you use the engine without learning c++ 😂😂😂😂

3 months ago

Nice video!