The Explanation of HttpParams Class in Angular

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What is HttpParams class in Angular?

The HttpParams class in Angular is used to construct parameters for a URL query string. It is a convenient way to create a URLSearchParams object, which represents a collection of key/value pairs that can be serialized into a URL query string.

When making HTTP requests in Angular, it is often necessary to pass parameters to the server in the form of a query string. The HttpParams class provides a clean and easy way to build these parameters in a type-safe manner.

To create an instance of the HttpParams class, you can use its constructor and chain its various methods to add or set parameters. For example:

      const params = new HttpParams()
        .set('param1', 'value1')
        .set('param2', 'value2');

In this example, we create a new HttpParams object and set two parameters, ‘param1’ and ‘param2’, with their respective values. We can then pass this object as the parameters argument in an HTTP request in Angular.

The HttpParams class also provides methods for appending and deleting parameters, as well as for encoding and cloning the parameters. This makes it easy to manipulate and manage the URL query string parameters.

Overall, the HttpParams class in Angular is a useful tool for working with URL query string parameters when making HTTP requests. It provides a clean and type-safe way to construct and manage parameters, making it a valuable asset for Angular developers.