The Fifth Column: Biden Administration in Turmoil amidst Israel-Hamas Conflict

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The Biden administration is currently facing an internal insurrection over its handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict, with The Fifth Column, a group of progressive Democrat lawmakers, pushing for a more forceful response to the ongoing violence in the Middle East.

The Fifth Column, which includes prominent Democrats like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and Ayanna Pressley, has been critical of the administration’s unwavering support for Israel and its reluctance to condemn the Israeli government’s actions in the conflict. The group has also taken issue with the administration’s decision to proceed with a major arms sale to Israel, which they argue will only perpetuate the cycle of violence in the region.

The internal strife within the Democratic Party over the Israel-Hamas war has put the Biden administration in a difficult position. On one hand, the administration is under pressure to uphold the United States’ long-standing alliance with Israel and to support its right to defend itself against rocket attacks from Hamas. On the other hand, the administration is facing increasing calls from within the party to take a more balanced approach and to hold both sides accountable for their actions.

The Biden administration’s reluctance to publicly criticize Israel’s actions in the conflict has also drawn criticism from progressive advocacy groups and grassroots activists who argue that the U.S. must use its leverage to push for a ceasefire and to address the root causes of the ongoing violence.

The internal insurrection over the Israel-Hamas war highlights the growing divide within the Democratic Party over foreign policy and the U.S.’s role in the Middle East. The Biden administration will have to navigate these internal tensions carefully as it seeks to manage the crisis and to maintain its credibility both at home and abroad.

In response to the mounting pressure, the Biden administration has expressed support for a ceasefire and has dispatched a senior diplomat to the region to try to de-escalate the conflict. However, the administration has stopped short of directly challenging Israel’s actions in the conflict, which has only fueled further discontent within the party.

The internal rift over the Israel-Hamas war is a test of the Biden administration’s ability to balance the demands of its progressive base with its commitments to traditional allies like Israel. How the administration chooses to navigate this challenge could have significant implications for U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East and for the future of the Democratic Party.

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6 months ago

Most especially, US Presidents should never listen to demands from their staffers. The staffers either get in line, or get fired.

6 months ago

US Presidents should never apologize to foreigners or to people who blindly believe foreigners. Or priests, rabbis, imams, ayatollahs, or popes.

6 months ago

Here's how you do this. You sit them down tell them we're meeting with you one time as a courtesy as you seem to misunderstand the nature of our relationship. You don't make policy, I do. I don't answer to you, you answer to me. If you have serious questions about how US policy is being enacted you have two choices. One is to trust senior leadership and do your job. The other is to find employment elsewhere. Open door, sit down fold arms and dismiss them.

6 months ago

I am not Jewish, I am 100% Belgian, but I am so sorry for what is being done to you. I support Israel, but even more so that Israel can live in peace and that Hamas/Gaza will never be able to touch you again.

There are now five dead as we hear From Hamas by the people who are kidnapped. Hamas took them on a day of Peace from their Homes and festival on 7 October , so Hamas released the war. My heart and soul is with the people who died, their families and the entire population of Israel. My hope is that the people who have been kidnapped will come home after all. In the mean time we hear every day the atrocities that the people who have been kidnapped suffered, I hope that the scars on their skin will heal as the scars in their souls. Peace for Israel

6 months ago

We are Sick of Biden’s,Obama’s, Soros,Harris,Gates, AOC and gang members, and down of the NWO Satanist NAZI Cult members. G D demands Justice ! Pray 🙏 for 🇮🇱🇺🇸

6 months ago

hamas said: 500 killed IN hospital. Reality said: max. 30 killed in adjacent parking lot. Hospital remained fully intact. Rocket by Islamic Jihad.
Now MY QUESTION to all the "media heroes" "reporting" from this conflict:  
HOW OFTEN in the last 15 years did you just take numbers of casualties from "Gazan Officials" (= hamas!) and publish them without ANY further evaluation and cross-checking?? How often? Here in Germany the news term was: "nach Angaben der radikal-islamischen hamas". Followed by the propaganda number the terrorists just pulled out of their asses! Motto: Better an unchecked number than no number at all. Stupid reflexes, as we now see!

btw: I will never write those butchers with a capital letter.

6 months ago

Keep fighting for truth and honesty!
Keep speaking truth even when everybody in your surrounding stands against you.
Never give up on that what is right and good.

And let's also never forget those who lied, deceived and showed their face of evil.

6 months ago

That’s ok. Big Mike will be on the ballot next year with Barry sotero in the basement at the controls.

6 months ago

I remember a time under a certain president that when America spoke people listened- maybe even feared.

Not now

6 months ago

Never saw mass protesters during the Ukrainian and Russian war! How come??

6 months ago

Great opportunity for the Republican Party if only they would move on from Trump.

6 months ago

Barack Obama former staffers and Hangers on. Biden is about as committed to any policy as he is to containing immigration. He was for it, before he was against it. He’s got a 50+ year track record of adopting the popular opinion that helps his candidacy at any given time. He hasn’t had an original thought since he said,”Hunter is the smartest person he’s ever met.” Clearly no one else has ever had that thought.

6 months ago

I'm so tired of pansies being charge.

6 months ago

It's truly something to see older liberals relinquish their authority in the instutitions they've been in control of for decades to these snot nosed woke millenials and zoomers. They created these little monsters and are now reaping the consequences of it.

6 months ago

Just another botched Biden mess. So what’s new here????? NOTHING. 👎👎🤬😡🖕

6 months ago

These stupid Democrat and left leaning independents voted for this weak president.

6 months ago

Internal Insurrection, would be if the FBI, DOJ, DHS and IRS all teamed with the oppossing political party in order to destroy a President with leaks and lies and have him and removed from office…. Sort of, like what they tried to do Donlad J Trump….

6 months ago

"whiners" – Israel have now killed 20 000 Palestinians – 16 000 women and children. MK comes across like a model Aryan femme fatale.

6 months ago

IDF Show

6 months ago

1000 jewish people died so they killes 12000 …. yeahh .. statisctically thats literally like 3500 kids amongst that 12k.