
The Floor Function: An Introduction

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The floor function, often denoted as TF(x) or ⌊x⌋, is a mathematical function that returns the largest integer less than or equal to a given number. In other words, it rounds down to the nearest integer.

This function is commonly used in computer science and programming to manipulate and work with integers. It helps in cases where only whole numbers are needed, and any decimal values must be truncated.

In mathematical notation, the floor function is represented as follows:
TF(x) = ⌊x⌋

Here’s an example of how the floor function works:
TF(3.14) = 3
TF(5.8) = 5
TF(-2.5) = -3
TF(10) = 10

In HTML, we can represent the floor function using different tags. Let’s take a look at how we can display the floor function using HTML tags:


Floor Function

Floor Function

The floor function TF(x) returns the largest integer less than or equal to x.


TF(3.14) = ⌊3.14⌋ = 3
TF(5.8) = ⌊5.8⌋ = 5
TF(-2.5) = ⌊-2.5⌋ = -3
TF(10) = ⌊10⌋ = 10


In the HTML code above, we used the `

` tag to create a heading for the page. We then used the `

` tag to create paragraphs explaining the floor function. The `

` tag was used to display examples of the floor function in action.

By using HTML tags, we can create a visually appealing and educational page about the floor function, making it easier for others to understand and learn about it.