The foolproof guide to smoothly getting a water bottle through TSA security! ๐Ÿ’งโœˆ๏ธ

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How to Successfully Bring a Water Bottle Past TSA

How to Successfully Bring a Water Bottle Past TSA

Bringing a water bottle past TSA can be tricky, but with a few tips and tricks, you can successfully bring your water bottle through security and onto your flight. Here are some helpful tips:

Tip 1: Empty the Water Bottle

Before going through security, make sure to empty your water bottle completely. TSA regulations prohibit any liquids over 3.4 ounces from being brought onto a plane, so it’s important to empty your water bottle to comply with this rule.

Tip 2: Refill Your Water Bottle After Security

Once you’ve passed through TSA, you can refill your water bottle at a water fountain or purchase a drink from a store inside the airport. This way, you can stay hydrated throughout your flight without having to purchase an expensive bottle of water at the airport.

Tip 3: Use a Reusable Water Bottle

Using a reusable water bottle is not only good for the environment, but it can also help you save money at the airport. Many airports now have water bottle refill stations where you can fill up your bottle for free, saving you the cost of buying a new bottle of water.

Tip 4: Be Prepared for Security Check

When going through security, be prepared to remove your water bottle from your bag and place it in a separate bin for screening. This will help the TSA agents quickly and easily inspect your water bottle to ensure it meets their regulations.

Tip 5: Be Polite and Cooperative

Finally, when going through security, always be polite and cooperative with the TSA agents. If they ask you to empty your water bottle or remove it from your bag, do so without hesitation. Being friendly and cooperative can help make the security screening process go more smoothly.

By following these tips, you can successfully bring a water bottle past TSA and onto your flight. Remember to empty your water bottle before security, refill it after passing through, use a reusable bottle, be prepared for security check, and be polite and cooperative with TSA agents. Safe travels!

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3 months ago

It's not sneaking if it's allowed…

3 months ago

And thatโ€™s why you donโ€™t spend ten dollars on airplane water. But heโ€™s buying Fiji water anyway

3 months ago

Oops, I just forgot to empty my metal water bottle, which was attached to the outside of my carryon. No questions. Cold water on the plane!

3 months ago

Couldnt have a fake plastic katana on a keychain w no blade because it could an improvised weapon

3 months ago

Well alcohol doesnโ€™t freeze and Iโ€™m guessing any other chemicals to make bombs etc doesnโ€™t either so it kinda makes sense

3 months ago

Water is free on the plane

3 months ago

I was in Manchester airport once and I was travelling to somewhere in Europe. In security I was going through with my rucksack which got held up because it had a fluid in it. The security guy was walking to me and I completely forgot I had a work knife on the outside of my bag in a pouch I rarely looked at. They didnโ€™t even notice it till I said about it. He was like โ€˜โ€™yeah we found some fluidโ€™โ€™. Before he finished I said please donโ€™t confiscate my bag, I have a work knife in a front pouch that you can see. He went โ€˜โ€™oh Iโ€™ll ask my manager if you can take it throughโ€™โ€™ ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ I was like 1000% itโ€™ll be a no. And it was a no. But this blade was big. Shows they donโ€™t see everything.

3 months ago

Why TSA doesn't allow water?

3 months ago

Put coke

3 months ago

This is the dumbest video i've seen in a while and that's saying something.

3 months ago

Ice is still water, just not liquid.

3 months ago

Itโ€™ll be a cold day in hell before I defrost my ice brick with airport sink water!

3 months ago

Or just.. you know.. bring an empty water bottle and fill it in the water fountain you were using to try and thaw it ๐Ÿ˜‚

3 months ago

you can just.. bring the empty bottle and then fill it up when you get past security . i donโ€™t usually have plastic bottles tho so i do end up spending $10 on airport water but just drink the water before you get to security and fill it up when you get past lol

3 months ago

As soon as i heard his voice i knew this was gonna be the most dumb video of all time

3 months ago

I have kids so Iโ€™m allowed to carry water with me for them

3 months ago

Or maybe drink water before you get on the plan?

3 months ago

Water fountains are free

3 months ago

Or who gives a fuck

3 months ago

Yea or bring an empty water bottle and use a filling station.