
The Future Belongs to PHP

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PHP is the future

PHP is the future

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open-source scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. It is a server-side scripting language that is used for creating dynamic and interactive web pages. PHP is the future of web development for several reasons.

Why PHP is the future:

  • Popularity: PHP is one of the most popular and widely-used programming languages, with a large and active community of developers. This widespread adoption ensures that PHP will continue to be an important language for web development in the future.
  • Flexibility: PHP is a versatile language that can be used for a wide range of applications, from simple websites to complex web applications. Its flexibility makes it a valuable tool for developers and ensures its relevance in the future.
  • Performance: PHP has evolved over the years to become more efficient and performant. With the introduction of PHP 7, the language has seen significant improvements in speed and memory usage, making it a compelling choice for modern web development.
  • Security: PHP has a strong focus on security, with built-in features to help developers write secure code. The language also has a dedicated security team that actively works to identify and address security vulnerabilities, ensuring that PHP remains a secure choice for web development in the future.


With its popularity, flexibility, performance, and security, PHP is well-positioned to be the future of web development. As new technologies and frameworks emerge, PHP continues to evolve and remain relevant, making it an essential language for developers to learn and use in their projects.

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Wes Bos
7 months ago

Awesome video man!

Donald Winston
7 months ago

I had to pick a framework for PHP a few years ago and evaluated four. Symfony, Laravel, CodeIgniter, and Yi. I'm a longtime Drupal developer and assumed Symphony would be my choice but CodeIgniter 4 ended up being the one. Laravel just didn't do it for me. I found Artisan unnecessary. I'm also a DBA and prefer to use raw SQL for everything and don't use the migration facilities. Also using cron and Redis is natural for me and don't find much benefit in my framework handling it all. Symphony was overkill. Yi didn't measure up. CodeIgniter 4 is butt simple while keeping your code organized and manageable no matter how big the project.

Doris Paul
7 months ago

very vel!!

Harald Engels
7 months ago

It is great to see that PHP frameworks – and especially Laravel – are leaving more and more the web-development frameworks in other languages (Python, Ruby, JS) in the dust. Although I am not using Laravel I am grateful for what Laravel (and WordPress) have done for the survival and dominance of PHP in the web.

7 months ago

i cant find a job,because there are too many people who are looking for the same job.what can i do?just survive in this field

7 months ago

Symfony for the win! No magic, no coupling, no crazy ORM, no static proxies aka "facades"

7 months ago

laravel cannot find a good salary

7 months ago

Lets go. I'm confuse now. finish 1 course of laravel and understand it. Now I have course of react next M.E.R.N any advice what to do? focus on laravel?

Daren Chandisingh
7 months ago

Since 1998 I've used Yii, CodeIgniter, CakePHP and dabbled with Symfony, Silex, Slim and several attempts to write my own. Guess I should get round to Laravel

7 months ago

future is laravel, laravel is future

Ralf Tenbrink
7 months ago

I had outsourced a project 8 months ago and the developer recommend Laravel and I agreed. I started PHP back in 2000 and when the developer handed me the project I absolutely hated Laravel. Still not happy about my decision to do it in laravel but I am an old dog and learning new tricks takes time. 😂😂😂 Your video made me see a lot things in Laravel that I did not know about. I will keep at it and keep learning and I am I will eventually start liking Laravel. Thanks for s great video.

A-Team (Alex & Andra)
7 months ago

Was a big Laravel fan back in the day, using OctoberCMS for many years in-fact (built atop Laravel), so it's interesting to see the revitalization of it in recent years! Laravel does and has always had such an amazing community behind it. Still using Laravel Forge for older sites!
P.S. Where did you get your glasses from? Really like them and looking for something similar! (Alex here)

7 months ago

Let's be clear, this is not advocating for PHP, it's someone gushing for 35 minutes about Laravel. Perplexed as to how much soy someone would have to consume to even hold such a poor opinion, everything fell into place the moment he denounced typing. Anyone who unironically thinks banishing types is a good idea is not fit to make recommendations about anything. No wonder he didn't have the good sense to pick Symfony.

7 months ago

Laravel takes all the lessons learned by all the frameworks that came before it, discards them, and deliberately does everything the Wrong Way because it's easier for clueless devs.

7 months ago

What's your take on nestjs

The Universe
7 months ago

"has everything"

Async Processing?
Api generaton?
Meta programming?
but last for all performance?

u fucking kidding me.

AmumuIsAlive datcom
7 months ago

I started to code in January and went full PHP (and html/css/js).
I tried React, Nuxt, Symfony, Node and i've found Laravel.. and i freaking love it.
I've found an intership and started one month ago, i've already built a solid thing in Laravel 10, it's so simple!
You can do everything with PHP, i've built somes scripts to study files changes and do somes actions, saving in cloud, auto mailing after each push in somes Entity, etc..
I have 2/3 things to finish and i will soon start a big API project for them and Laravel have already everything needed!
Btw i m the only dev in my job, it's stressfull but you can find everything on the web and since i'm totaly passionate about it, i learn so much everyday.
I'm doing some freelance on the side because my internship don't pay me this much.. i've done a little blog for 700€ in Laravel and i have an order for a jewelry website for 1500€ (it's not a big project)!

I feel so bad to have spent so much years doing job i didn't liked like Macdonald etc.. i've always liked computer but i was afraid it was like in the movies 😅
I've tried to show and explain to somes friends or coworker what i do but for them i m some kind of alien, at this point idk if it's really that simple because of framework like Laravel or if i'm good at it :/

I just need to focus a little more on myself, i've never done so much sleepless night.. i've already done 48h without sleeping and i was working those 2 days 😅 i wasn't even sleepy, i'm always thinking about web development what i could do and somes euraka moments 😂

Dat Guy
7 months ago

This seems a little over the top for smaller apps, but too slow for large scale apps. What's Laravel's use case? (no hate)

Fernando Fernandes
7 months ago

Unless your application turn into a facebook or twitter you might be good with Laravel for the rest of your life.

Behram Bayramli
7 months ago

no it's not