The Importance of Calling zero_grad() in PyTorch

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Why do we need to call zero_grad() in PyTorch?

Why do we need to call zero_grad() in PyTorch?

When working with deep learning models in PyTorch, it is essential to understand the purpose and importance of calling the zero_grad() function. This function plays a critical role in the training process and helps ensure the proper functioning and optimization of the model.

What is zero_grad()?

In PyTorch, the zero_grad() function is used to zero out the gradients of all the model parameters. Gradients are used to update the weights of the model during the training process, and zeroing them out at the beginning of each iteration helps prevent the accumulation of gradient values from previous iterations.

Why is it necessary?

Calling zero_grad() is necessary to avoid gradient interference and to ensure that the gradients are calculated and applied correctly. If the gradients are not reset at the start of each iteration, the gradients from previous iterations will be accumulated, leading to incorrect weight updates and potentially causing the model to diverge or perform poorly.

By zeroing out the gradients at the beginning of each iteration, we ensure that the model starts with a clean slate and only learns from the current batch of data. This helps improve the stability and convergence of the training process, resulting in better model performance.

How to use zero_grad()

In PyTorch, calling zero_grad() is simple and straightforward. It is typically used in conjunction with the backward() function, which computes the gradients of the loss function with respect to the model parameters. After calling backward(), we can then call zero_grad() to reset the gradients before the next iteration of training.


Overall, the zero_grad() function is a crucial component of the training process in PyTorch. It helps maintain the integrity of the gradient calculations and ensures that the model learns effectively from the training data. By understanding the importance of zero_grad() and incorporating it into our deep learning workflows, we can improve the stability and performance of our models.