The Incredible Power of Next.js Links

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Next.js Link Superpower!

The Superpower of Next.js Link Component

Next.js is a powerful and popular framework for building modern web applications. One of the standout features of Next.js is its Link component, which provides an easy and efficient way to handle client-side navigation in your application.

What makes Next.js Link component so special?

Next.js Link component is a wrapper around the HTML anchor tag (), but it comes with some powerful features that make it super handy for building complex web applications.

Client-side navigation

When you use Next.js Link component for navigation, it handles client-side navigation automatically. This means that instead of a full page refresh, only the necessary components are re-rendered, resulting in a faster and smoother user experience.


Next.js Link component comes with the ability to preload the linked page in the background. This can significantly improve the perceived performance of your application, as the linked page will be instantly available when the user clicks on the link.

Automatic code splitting

By using Next.js Link component, you can take advantage of automatic code splitting. This means that only the necessary JavaScript and CSS code for the linked page will be loaded, reducing the initial page load time and saving bandwidth.


Next.js Link component also ensures that the navigation is accessible to all users, as it handles the keyboard navigation and focus states correctly, making your application more inclusive.

How to use Next.js Link component?

Using Next.js Link component is as simple as importing it from the ‘next/link’ module and wrapping your anchor tag with it. Here’s an example:

    import Link from 'next/link';

    function MyLink() {
      return (
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Next.js Link component is a superpower that can make your web application faster, more efficient, and more accessible. By leveraging its features, you can provide a better user experience and improve the performance of your application.