The Launch of Next.js 15: What’s New this Time?

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Next.js 15 has arrived with some exciting new changes and updates! In this tutorial, we will walk through these changes and how they can benefit your Next.js application.

  1. Improved Performance:
    One of the main updates in Next.js 15 is the improved performance. Next.js has always been known for its fast loading times, but with this new version, the performance has been further optimized. This means that your Next.js application will load even faster, resulting in a better user experience for your users.

  2. Automatic Image Optimization:
    Another exciting feature in Next.js 15 is the automatic image optimization. With this feature, Next.js can automatically optimize images in your application, reducing the size of the images without compromising on quality. This can help improve the performance of your application, as smaller images will load faster.

  3. Improved TypeScript Support:
    Next.js 15 also comes with improved TypeScript support. TypeScript is a popular programming language that adds static type-checking to JavaScript, making it easier to find and fix errors in your code. With the improved TypeScript support in Next.js 15, you can now use TypeScript more seamlessly in your Next.js application.

  4. Fast Refresh for React Components:
    Next.js 15 introduces fast refresh for React components. This feature allows you to update your React components without having to refresh the entire page. This can help speed up the development process, as you can see changes to your application in real-time without having to constantly refresh the page.

  5. Improved SEO:
    Next.js 15 also comes with improved SEO capabilities. SEO, or search engine optimization, is important for ensuring that your website ranks well in search engine results. With Next.js 15, you can now easily optimize your application for search engines, ensuring that your website is easily discoverable by users.

To upgrade to Next.js 15, you can simply run the following command in your terminal:
npm install next@latest

Once you have upgraded to Next.js 15, make sure to update any dependencies and packages that may have changed with the new version. You can also check the Next.js documentation for a full list of changes and updates in Next.js 15.

Overall, Next.js 15 brings some exciting new changes and updates that can help improve the performance, development process, and SEO capabilities of your Next.js application. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, Next.js 15 is definitely a version worth checking out!

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1 hour ago

talking about new cache behaviour (default 'no-store'). Does this mean pages will dynamically rendered by default in new Nextjs15, because I think if we opt out Data-Cache it will lead to opt out Full-Route-Cache which makes pages rendered dynamically, will it be like that ?
please enlight me, thank you 😊

1 hour ago

starts at 1:52

1 hour ago

CEO of Vercel looks like Freddie Mercury

1 hour ago

1:55 So they'll stop using their own compiler which was developed in rust ..?

1 hour ago

soooo… we're still rewriting apps after 6months. Great

1 hour ago


1 hour ago

another bundler yaaay

1 hour ago

2:04 but we can use forwardRef

1 hour ago

v12 to v13 was painful. I am happy with v14 right now. v15 seems promising but we'll see

1 hour ago

ofc we want a full tuto

1 hour ago

You are our Sensei. Whatever you say we need, we need it

1 hour ago

good luck n have fun

1 hour ago

we are still in the painful process of migrating nextjs 13 project to 14… (especially migrating from pages to app router). It will take months. And now they have 15.
Hopefully, the upgrade will be smoother.

1 hour ago

Yes please!

1 hour ago

Just switch to Angular. It's react's big brother, most of these features are already included

1 hour ago

do not use non-stable nextjs, becouse even stable nexts releases always works as non-stable

1 hour ago

Absolutely great video!! TY!

1 hour ago

Its not easy man! The project I've just created right now is super ultra legacy

1 hour ago

Next 15 will be better than others

1 hour ago

Man trust me they need to fix the useContext error popping randomly anywhere it wants with this turbo flag.

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