The Life of a 7-Year-Old in Gaza

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Gaza: A 7-year-old’s Life

In the midst of conflict and unrest, life in Gaza is a struggle for many, especially for the children who grow up in this war-torn region. 7-year-old Ali is one of those children, and his daily life is a constant battle against the hardships and challenges that come with living in Gaza.

Ali wakes up every morning to the sound of airstrikes and gunshots. His small, cramped room in a refugee camp hardly shields him from the noise of the ongoing conflict that surrounds him. As he gets ready for the day, Ali knows that he will have to navigate through the rubble, debris, and destruction that has become a part of his everyday life.

Despite the hardships, Ali is determined to go to school. He walks through the rubble-strewn streets, often having to dodge military checkpoints and armed soldiers along the way. The journey to school is dangerous, but Ali knows that education is his only chance for a better future.

At school, Ali and his classmates learn to cope with the constant fear and uncertainty that comes with living in Gaza. They often have to seek shelter during air raids, and the threat of violence is always looming over them. Despite it all, Ali is eager to learn and grow, and he dreams of becoming a doctor one day so that he can help his community.

Back at home, Ali’s family struggles to make ends meet. The economy in Gaza is in shambles, and poverty is rampant. Basic necessities like food, water, and electricity are hard to come by, and Ali often goes to bed hungry. His parents do what they can to provide for him, but the ongoing blockade and restrictions make it almost impossible for them to secure a decent livelihood.

Despite the challenges, Ali finds solace in the simple joys of childhood. He plays with his friends in the streets, laughing and running around as if they don’t have a care in the world. He finds comfort in the love and support of his family, who do their best to shield him from the harsh realities of life in Gaza.

For a 7-year-old like Ali, growing up in Gaza means facing unimaginable hardships on a daily basis. It means living in a constant state of fear and uncertainty, where the simple act of going to school or playing with friends can be a matter of life and death. Despite it all, Ali remains resilient and determined, holding on to the hope that one day, things will get better for him and his people.

As the world looks on, it’s important to remember that behind the headlines and statistics, there are countless children like Ali who are struggling to survive in Gaza. Their stories deserve to be heard, and their lives deserve a chance at peace and prosperity. It’s time for the international community to come together and work towards a solution that will give children like Ali the future they deserve.

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6 months ago

Seven-year-old Lina and her family are sleeping on the floor of a tent outside al-Aqsa hospital, in central Gaza.

They were forced to flee their home in Jabaliya in the north of the Gaza Strip when the war between Hamas and Israel broke out after Hamas' murder of 1,200 people in southern Israel.

Now displaced, Lina and her siblings spend their time searching for food to buy, queueing for water and playing games. The Guardian spent one day on the 9 November with Lina to see how children are surviving in Gaza.

She told film-maker Majdi Fathi how she wishes she could sleep comfortably at night, without the sound of rockets and ambulances.

6 months ago


6 months ago


6 months ago

She reminds me of my niece, hope she and all the children of Gaza gets out of this safely

6 months ago

love you lina you are a angel🩷🩷🩷

6 months ago

Perhaps she should have a word with male family members.

6 months ago

Beyond belief

6 months ago

Problem is Hamas, the Arab league should have sent in troops to eradicate Hamas and have a democratic government which gives freedom to all races, religions and the LGTBQ.

6 months ago

That's such a Pity……😢 But they need to blame their Forefathers for this…….