The long-awaited arrival of LLaMA 2 🦙, the Free and Open-Source Beats ChatGPT, is finally here!

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ChatGPT – LLaMA 2 🦙 Is Finally HERE!

ChatGPT – LLaMA 2 🦙 Is Finally HERE!

Welcome to the next level of AI-powered chatbots – LLaMA 2 🦙! This free and open-source project brings a whole new level of conversational AI to the table, and it’s available for everyone to use and contribute to.

What is ChatGPT – LLaMA 2?

ChatGPT – LLaMA 2 is the latest iteration of the popular conversational AI model, GPT-3. With a focus on improving language understanding and generation, LLaMA 2 takes chatbots to the next level, providing more accurate and natural-sounding responses to user input.

Free and Open-Source

One of the most important aspects of LLaMA 2 is that it is free and open-source. This means that anyone can use the model for their projects without any cost, and can also contribute to its development and improvement. This level of transparency and accessibility is crucial for the advancement of AI technology and its ethical use.

Beats the Competition

Compared to other chatbot models, LLaMA 2 stands out with its improved accuracy and natural language understanding. It can hold more engaging and coherent conversations, making it a top choice for anyone looking to integrate AI chatbots into their applications.

Get Started with LLaMA 2

If you’re interested in leveraging the power of LLaMA 2 for your projects, you can find all the resources and documentation on the official website. Whether you’re a developer, a researcher, or just someone curious about AI, LLaMA 2 is a great way to dive into the world of conversational AI.

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4 months ago

🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

00:00 🦙 Llama 2 representa un gran avance en modelos de lenguaje de código abierto y se acerca mucho al rendimiento de GPT-4.
01:09 📈 Llama 2 se ha entrenado en un conjunto de datos un 40% más grande que Llama 1 y ha duplicado el tamaño del contexto para mejorar su escalabilidad de inferencia.
02:46 🌍 Meta considera las emisiones de carbono durante el entrenamiento de Llama 2, mostrando conciencia ambiental en el desarrollo de modelos de lenguaje a gran escala.
03:41 🔗 Microsoft se asoció con Meta en Llama 2, demostrando el equilibrio entre apoyar modelos de código abierto y proteger su inversión en modelos como GPT-3.
04:35 📝 Llama 2 es comercialmente viable, pero existe una excepción: se necesita permiso de Meta si el producto basado en Llama 2 tiene más de 700 millones de usuarios.
05:58 ⚠️ La seguridad ha sido una prioridad en Llama 2, con un enfoque en guardrails, pruebas y evaluaciones para reducir violaciones a las directrices del modelo.
06:25 🛑 El modelo de 34 mil millones de parámetros de Llama 2 fue retrasado debido a problemas de seguridad, pero su tamaño promete calidad y capacidad en GPUs de gama alta.
07:33 ✅ Llama 2 aborda el equilibrio entre seguridad y utilidad con un enfoque de doble recompensa, lo que podría mejorar significativamente la seguridad sin sacrificar la utilidad.
08:15 📥 Puedes descargar los modelos y el código de Llama 2 desde el repositorio de Hugging Face y hay versiones ya alojadas de los modelos base para comenzar a usarlo hoy.

Made with HARPA AI

4 months ago

Nothing is ever safety.
The issue is personal responsibility.
Freedom = Nature

4 months ago

FaceZuck "safety" : shadow banning for trivia

4 months ago

FaceZuck = 100% power grab

4 months ago

This is not good news

4 months ago

What would be the best LLM for me to pull in Crypto data and analyze patterns? I already have coded the data capture. Just need an LLM to feed it.

4 months ago

Will never trust MICROSOFT. I think Microsoft is loosing their trust completely by spying on society. Your talk is trash! Google. Miscrosoft, Facebook, Apple – are the least trustable companies on the planet.

4 months ago

So apparently its not really opensource:

"The OSI has criticized Meta’s licensing terms, stating that they “do not comply with the Open Source Definition.” The OSI has also called on Meta to release Llama 2 under a more permissive license that would allow for its unrestricted use."

4 months ago


Gbt is dead

Saw the coffin and everything

4 months ago

In my experience llama is much worse than GPT3.5.

4 months ago

Bloggers, why always everything new for you is some thing's killer?

4 months ago

@matthew_berman Is it possible to use embeddings in Llama2, similar to how they're used in ChatGPT? This way, one could utilize large amounts of text for interacting with their documents?

4 months ago


4 months ago

it's helpful. Thanks 👍

4 months ago

Is it THE ChatGPT killer? Nah, that will surely be the new AI that is breathlessly announced tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day.

4 months ago

What does “safe” mean? It has a leftist bias?

4 months ago

Sounds impressive I have watched several of your videos this being the second on LLaMA 2 and I have no idea even after watching the video what it does or what you can do with it, maybe your channel it just too advanced for me. I don't know?

4 months ago

Turns out that OpenAI is the ChatGPT killer.

4 months ago

I want uncensored powerful AI models

4 months ago

You work for 40yrs to have $1m in your retirement, meanwhile some people are putting just $10k in a crypto market for just few months and now they are millionaires , all thanks to Mrs Jane, God bless you madam 😇