
The Long-Awaited Toast Library Has Been Released

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They Finally Released This Toast Library

They Finally Released This Toast Library

After much anticipation, the developers have finally released the new Toast Library, and it’s causing quite a stir in the coding community.

The Toast Library is designed to simplify the process of displaying toast messages in web applications. Toast messages are small notifications that pop up on the screen to provide feedback or alerts to the user. With the release of this library, developers no longer have to write custom code for toast messages, saving time and effort in their projects.

One of the most exciting features of the Toast Library is its flexibility. It allows developers to customize the appearance and behavior of toast messages to fit the design and functionality of their applications. This level of customization was previously a challenge for many developers, but the Toast Library now makes it a simple and straightforward process.

Furthermore, the library is easy to integrate into existing projects. With just a few lines of code, developers can have toast messages up and running in their applications, enhancing the user experience with minimal effort.

Many developers and tech enthusiasts have been eagerly awaiting the release of this library, and the response has been overwhelmingly positive. It’s clear that the Toast Library is going to be a game-changer for web development, making it easier and more efficient to create dynamic and engaging user interfaces.

Overall, the release of the Toast Library is an exciting development for the coding community, and developers everywhere are looking forward to implementing this powerful tool in their projects.

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4 months ago

ok i am using it since shadcn added it

4 months ago

It’s kinda buggy unfortunately.

4 months ago

So easy to use🔥

4 months ago

Is there a similar library for Vue.js?

4 months ago

Sounds cool gonna try this!

4 months ago

Hi, I want to learn more about how to create components and I love the way you did it, could you teach me or make a video on how to do it? This way you can render using a function I liked

4 months ago

In starting I was appreciating shadcn/ui but I think this library misses a lot of components. As i use this library for building one of my company projects and It took way more efforts than i thought off. It's s not mature yet, misses lot of components i.e , Select with search and clear functionality there is command instead bit it has fix size for selecting i.e, 340px then I have to manually add events for that as per screen size, Year picker are missing in Date picker component . It's quite completed to implement searching, sorting & filters as it's use raw tanstack table and there is lot more which i can't even write. But it's good for building small projects and learning purpose. I won't recommend this library for building organisation project you will run into trouble due to projects requirements. 😊😊

4 months ago

Does it also work with react native

4 months ago

thank you

4 months ago

Great video! Do you know if you can use custom styling with tailwind classes? As of right now I think you can only specify hex color codes under style for for example the background color but since I am using a light and dark mode, I configured a specific color for it in my tailwind.config named bg-background-theme but trying to apply this color doesnt work, at least for me

4 months ago

Can we use sonner in Next js 13 app directory app? I faced some errors when trying to using it

4 months ago


4 months ago

The biggest thing sonner has over shad cn is the fact that you can have multiple toasts and that when you hover they read out like that, other than thst no reason to use it over shads as the shads one is by fefault linked to your color scheme and can also take a description besides tbe title

4 months ago

Dude I love this lib !

4 months ago

Great video, thanks Josh, installing it right now!
BTW onError and onSuccess are being deprecated soon in react-query 🙁 Do you guys know why?

4 months ago

This is really awesome

4 months ago

does it work in server components?

4 months ago

Loving how easy is to use it

4 months ago

This was really helpful man, thanks a lot.

4 months ago

00:04 Sonor 1.0 is a new tool for easily creating toast notifications

00:40 React Hot Toast and Shad CN's built-in toast offer the best of both worlds.

01:18 React Toastify does not match the style of the UI library

01:53 The toast API in the UI library I prefer has a different and more customizable structure compared to React Hot Toast.

02:27 The API is similar to React Hot Toast.

03:03 Toasts are rendered based on a state that is mounted to true.

03:38 React Query is a library that works well with toast notifications.

04:14 React Query and TOS Notification Library Integration