
The MERN ECommerce Guide: Vite, Bootstrap, and React Routing (Part 2)

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TS MERN ECommerce [Part 2: Vite, Bootstrap and React Routing]

TS MERN ECommerce [Part 2: Vite, Bootstrap and React Routing]

In Part 1 of this series, we discussed setting up a TS MERN (Typescript, MongoDB, Express, React, Node) eCommerce application. In this article, we will focus on utilizing Vite for frontend development, integrating Bootstrap for styling, and implementing React Routing for navigation within the application.

Vite for Frontend Development

Vite is a build tool that aims to provide a fast development experience for modern web projects. It offers hot module replacement, lightning-fast cold server start, and a highly optimized build output.

To integrate Vite in our TS MERN eCommerce application, we can use the command:

npm init vite@latest

This will create a new Vite project with the default template. We can then customize the project structure and configuration to fit our application requirements.

Bootstrap for Styling

Bootstrap is a popular front-end framework that provides a set of pre-styled components and utilities for building responsive websites. It enables us to create a consistent look and feel across the application, without having to write extensive CSS from scratch.

To integrate Bootstrap in our TS MERN eCommerce application, we can use the command:

npm install bootstrap

Once Bootstrap is installed, we can import its styles in our project and start using its components and utilities to style our application interface.

React Routing for Navigation

React Routing allows us to define multiple routes within our application, each rendering a different component based on the URL. This enables us to create a multi-page experience within a single-page application.

To implement React Routing in our TS MERN eCommerce application, we can use the command:

npm install react-router-dom

With React Routing, we can define routes for different sections of our eCommerce application, such as the home page, product listings, product details, and the shopping cart. This provides a seamless navigation experience for the users.


By integrating Vite for frontend development, Bootstrap for styling, and React Routing for navigation, we can enhance the user experience of our TS MERN eCommerce application. These tools enable us to build a fast, responsive, and navigable web application that meets the needs of modern e-commerce platforms.

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7 months ago

it lacks the installation of react-router-dom for it to work : npm install react-router-dom

Dolapo Ajayi
7 months ago

Nice tutorial.will this be an update to the mern Amazon’s course on udemy or will be it be a new course on its own?