
The New Features I Love in Bun 1.0

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My Favorite New Features in Bun 1.0

My Favorite New Features in Bun 1.0

Bun 1.0 has brought in some exciting new features that have really enhanced the user experience. Here are a few of my favorites:

1. Dark Mode

One of the most anticipated features, dark mode has finally been introduced in Bun 1.0. This feature not only looks sleek and stylish, but it also reduces eye strain for those late-night coding or browsing sessions.

2. Improved Performance

Bun 1.0 has significantly improved its performance, making it faster and more efficient than ever before. This means quicker load times, smoother transitions, and an overall better user experience.

3. Customizable Themes

With the new customizable themes feature, users can now personalize their Bun experience to match their preferences. Whether you prefer a minimalist design or a vibrant color scheme, Bun 1.0 has you covered.

4. Enhanced Security

Security is always a top priority, and Bun 1.0 has stepped up its game with enhanced security measures to protect user data and privacy. This feature provides peace of mind for users who prioritize online safety.

5. Improved Accessibility

Accessibility is important for ensuring that everyone can use and enjoy Bun. With improved accessibility features, Bun 1.0 has made it easier for users with disabilities to navigate and interact with the app.

Overall, Bun 1.0 has made significant strides in improving its features and functionality. These new additions have made the app more user-friendly, efficient, and secure, making it a favorite among users.

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6 months ago

We have several products which are built on an in-house framework that initially wrapped Connect, which we then moved to Express (our first production release was on node 0.4!!) – we are constantly going through code moderinzation (the UI is still built with RequireJS for the most part).

I was skeptical when bun was released, but after using it as a drop in replacement the past week for several things I've noticed:

a) A lot less time waiting for npm install especially when you have many projects using similar packages (we have ~8 large ones)
b) Have had zero compatibility issues, everything just seems to work
c) Tests run extremely quickly and we no longer need a separate package or configuration
d) Bunx is much faster than npx
e) Part of our modernization process was moving from `require` to `import` syntax, with node, you're either in/out, but with Bun supoprting both in the same file, this could be incrementally done making the job much less of a chore

I'm currently working on replacing our bundling process (which handles some modern parts with React, and older parts with RequireJS), but things are looking to be much simpler.
Also part of our application is serving and merging large files, and Bun claim to offer some faster file API's, so I'll certainly be investigating using those in the future too.

Over all, I'm extremely impressed and quite frankly a little blown away with the vast coverage of DX improvements Bun brings, and to top it off, it's much quicker across the board.

6 months ago

I searched, but I couldn't find an answer: Does Bun also optimize the modules directory using symbolic links like pnpm?

6 months ago

Please how did you get bun working on windows?

6 months ago

How did you download on windows?

6 months ago

If I used this, how would I deploy a full stack app with it? There’s no bun runtime environments, it’s too new. Maybe with a vps?

6 months ago

Hi Josh,this request is not related to the video, I am currently working on a full stack project and will like you to make a quick review,praise or roast the code base…. I implemented websocket in a way I feel it is weird.. I'll be glad if you can reply my comment

6 months ago

now deno vs bun 1.0 please, from developer perspective.

6 months ago

I will use Bun with HTMX, jsx as template my engine to server

6 months ago

Info Ad / get some traffic! Then new video "Why I don't use Bun?"

6 months ago

I literally uninstalled yarn yestday

6 months ago

For years I wasn't so excited about new tool release. I hope Express and whole Node.js server-side ecosystem will update their vision from 2015 year state of mind.

6 months ago

Anyone , can bun Solve this NextJS error, I'm getting it every 5 mins on reloading “` cause: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED ::1:56250
at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1494:16) {
errno: -4078,
syscall: 'connect',
address: '::1',
port: 56250

6 months ago

Can't wait to use bun in production

6 months ago

"gazzlion" 💀💀

6 months ago

Is it now ready for production?

6 months ago

how do you use it on window? experimental or with wsl?

6 months ago

need support on cloud platforms

6 months ago

I have already managed to make all of my projects use Bun instead of other package- and bundle-managers.

6 months ago

Speed aside, it's fkn mind boggling to me how many pain points in the JS ecosystem that bun is addressing at once.

6 months ago

I mean, the number one thing everyone must be thinking is just drop bun into an existing project and get a performance boost. Is this real?