The Origin of Deno: A Transition from Node.js

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From Node.js to Deno: How It All Began

In the world of JavaScript runtime environments, Node.js has long been the dominant player. But in recent years, a new challenger has emerged: Deno. Deno is a secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript built on Google’s V8 JavaScript engine and Rust programming language. It was created by Ryan Dahl, the same developer who originally created Node.js. In this tutorial, we’ll take a look at the history of Node.js and Deno, how Deno came to be, and what sets it apart from its predecessor.

History of Node.js

Node.js was first released in 2009 by Ryan Dahl, and it quickly gained popularity as a server-side JavaScript runtime environment. Originally built on the Chrome V8 JavaScript engine, Node.js brought JavaScript into the realm of server-side development, allowing developers to build scalable network applications using a single programming language. Node.js was also known for its non-blocking I/O model, which made it ideal for handling asynchronous operations.

Over the years, Node.js continued to evolve, with updates and improvements being made to the platform on a regular basis. The Node.js community grew rapidly, and a vast ecosystem of third-party libraries and frameworks emerged, making it easier for developers to build web applications and services using Node.js.

However, despite its many strengths, Node.js also had its drawbacks. One of the biggest criticisms of Node.js was its module system, which relied on the CommonJS format for importing and exporting modules. This format was not compatible with the ES modules syntax used in modern JavaScript, leading to compatibility issues and confusion for developers.

Introducing Deno

In 2018, Ryan Dahl announced a new project called Deno, a secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript. Deno was designed to address some of the shortcomings of Node.js and provide a more secure and modern alternative for building applications in JavaScript. Deno was built from the ground up to support ES modules natively, eliminating the need for complex module systems like CommonJS.

One of the key differences between Deno and Node.js is the way in which they handle security. Deno is designed to be more secure by default, with a sandboxed runtime that restricts access to the file system and network by default. This means that Deno applications are less vulnerable to common security threats like code injection and file system manipulation.

Another key feature of Deno is its built-in package manager, which allows developers to easily manage dependencies without relying on third-party tools like npm. Deno’s package manager is designed to be more streamlined and secure, with built-in support for locking dependencies and caching packages locally.

Transitioning from Node.js to Deno

If you’re already familiar with Node.js and are thinking about transitioning to Deno, there are a few things you’ll need to consider. One of the biggest differences between the two platforms is the way in which they handle modules. In Deno, modules are imported using the ES modules syntax, which may require you to update your existing codebase to support this new syntax.

Another important consideration when transitioning to Deno is the availability of third-party libraries and frameworks. While the Node.js ecosystem is vast and mature, the Deno ecosystem is still relatively new and evolving. You may need to do some research to find the tools and libraries you need to build your applications in Deno.

Overall, the transition from Node.js to Deno is not without its challenges, but for developers looking for a more secure and modern alternative for building applications in JavaScript, Deno may be worth exploring. With its focus on security, modern JavaScript features, and streamlined package management, Deno offers a compelling alternative to Node.js for building web applications and services.

In conclusion, the emergence of Deno as a new JavaScript runtime environment represents an exciting new chapter in the evolution of server-side JavaScript development. With its focus on security, modern JavaScript features, and streamlined package management, Deno offers a promising alternative to Node.js for developers looking to build secure and scalable applications in JavaScript and TypeScript. While the transition from Node.js to Deno may require some adjustment, the potential benefits of using Deno make it a platform worth exploring for developers looking to stay ahead of the curve.

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2 hours ago

After 6 years of Deno I confider it as failure…

2 hours ago

abstract everything and make us dum deno is abstractting hard work but i just love it lol

2 hours ago

Gonzalez Kimberly Davis Michelle Martin Jason

2 hours ago


2 hours ago

8:48 Katie holmes

2 hours ago

Ryan Dahl is binary Jesus

2 hours ago

I’m a Laravel dev and have successfully avoided using Node for anything meaningful for over a decade 😅 In a recent project I needed to run user-supplied JS server-side, and was dreading the prospect of having to provision isolated runtimes just to get some semblance of security.

Finding Deno was an incredible blessing ! A single binary, sandboxed and isolated, which even supports TypeScript natively… you saved me countless days and many more gray hairs. Thanks Ryan and the Deno team!!!

2 hours ago

HTMX pliss

2 hours ago

…keep an eye out for Theo…
Documentary thief 😅

2 hours ago

Deno was created by conference driven development 😮

2 hours ago

Do web developers know they don’t have to hunch over a laptop and can used a desktop with a screen they can actually see?

2 hours ago

Javascript should be eliminated from the backend and remain where it was designed to be, the browser. I would not be caught dead deploying a javascript backend

2 hours ago


2 hours ago

Just when i thought juggling 100000 JavaScript frameworks was enough, now we have 100000 runtime environments too
should I just go back to PHP and call it a day? 🤔😅

2 hours ago

"That was it"
– Ryan: Great 😐

2 hours ago

Ryan Dahl is a true visionary. I just watched his Google TechTalk this morning, and it's clear that he was so far ahead of his time.

One fun thing I learned is that he wanted require to be asynchronous originally. If the CommonJS people hadn't convinced him to change it, we might have never had this whole CJS/ESM debacle in the first place!

2 hours ago

Perfect timing. Thank you for the great content.
I started playing with deno two days ago. Like how easy it is to deploy as well.

2 hours ago

Have you thought about making one for Kotlin too? Would be awesome to see you dive into that!

2 hours ago

I can't wait for Theo to steal this documentary and then turn his audience against Honeypot again

2 hours ago

wait it's dano or deno?

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