The Origin of Node.js: A Documentary

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Node.js: The Documentary | An origin story

Node.js: The Documentary | An origin story

Node.js, an open-source JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine, has become a popular choice for building server-side applications. But do you know the story behind its creation? The documentary “Node.js: The Documentary” delves into the origins of Node.js and how it has revolutionized the way developers build applications.

The birth of Node.js

Node.js was created by Ryan Dahl in 2009 as a way to build scalable network applications. Dahl wanted to have a way to use JavaScript outside of the browser and came up with the idea of using V8, Google’s open-source JavaScript engine, as the foundation for a new runtime. Node.js was born out of this idea and quickly gained popularity in the developer community.

A revolution in server-side development

Node.js revolutionized the way developers build server-side applications by introducing a non-blocking, event-driven architecture. This allows for highly scalable, real-time applications to be built with ease. Node.js has also paved the way for the development of frameworks like Express.js, which simplify the process of building web applications.

The legacy of Node.js

Since its release, Node.js has continued to grow in popularity and has become a go-to choice for many developers when building server-side applications. Its vibrant ecosystem and active community have contributed to its success, with many companies adopting Node.js for their backend needs.


Node.js: The Documentary | An origin story provides an insightful look into the creation and evolution of Node.js. It showcases the impact that Node.js has had on the developer community and how it has changed the way we build server-side applications. Whether you are a seasoned developer or just starting out, this documentary is a must-watch for anyone interested in learning more about Node.js.

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3 days ago

Captain's Log … the date is July 4th, 2024. Still waiting for a jQuery documentary. Signing off. 📖✍️

3 days ago

Came for the tech, stayed for the drama.

3 days ago

I would really like to see this documentary in Portuguese. Thank you for this important documentary❤

3 days ago

thank you all guys it helped to change my life 🙌

3 days ago


3 days ago

nodejs is like a grand dad of the family and javascript is the blackship grandchild who is begging the dad (computer) to forgive him and let him go to school again but dad says "NO! stay in that small box! (browsers)" and grand dad (nodejs) comes in talks to dad (computer) and says just give him a chance my son will just see if he does well.. – And the rest is HISTORY!!

3 days ago

I just learned about the awful narcissistic prick stealing and attacking you guys. Truly sad and despicable.
Anyways, have you guys ever thought about going outside the soy fields and make docs on IDK, Systems/Game programming or anything that isn't just web related?

3 days ago

thank you to all those who build nodejs..

3 days ago

GitHub documentry

3 days ago

Your videos make me have more inspirations as a developer

3 days ago

Very well done.

3 days ago

Never heard so many men talking with a vocal fry. Node JS? More like Node GАУАSS lololol amirite lololol

3 days ago

Can we get a documentary on how Laravel started?

3 days ago

I love this video. This had to take a lot of work, and while I can't validate any content, I feel the candid interviews of key players really helps explain a complex abstract topic of NodeJS in a beautifully simple and understandable way. It gives me a great appreciation of and understanding of how projects like this take on their own life.

3 days ago

You guys should have interviewed the legendary TJ Holowaychuk.

3 days ago

Nodejs got me start learning JS in 2011

3 days ago

Node is really a life changing project.

3 days ago

Would love to see a Django doc also. Would be interesting how Python came to the web.

3 days ago

It's possible to work on the same thing for over three years. If you love it 🙂

Sometimes, people are just jealous of how much money others are making on top of your creation because you didn't have any vision when you handed it over to them. It's a lesson or a curse. Make a choice this time.

3 days ago

Greatly pictured all the drama going on with node back then. Keep the good work up

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