
The Performance of pnpm: Insights from Zoltan Kochan at ViteConf 2022

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What makes pnpm performant | Zoltan Kochan | ViteConf 2022

What makes pnpm performant:

By Zoltan Kochan

At ViteConf 2022, Zoltan Kochan delved into the topic of pnpm’s performance and what makes it stand out in the package management landscape. Here are some key points from his insightful session:

1. Deterministic dependency resolution

One of the key factors that contribute to pnpm’s performance is its deterministic dependency resolution algorithm. This means that for a given set of dependencies, pnpm will always install the same versions, regardless of the environment it is being installed in. This predictability eliminates the need for unnecessary re-installs and reduces the overall installation time.

2. Content-addressable storage

pnpm utilizes content-addressable storage to store all packages in a global store. This means that when multiple projects depend on the same package, pnpm can leverage deduplication to ensure that each unique package is only stored once on the disk. This not only saves disk space but also speeds up the installation process by avoiding redundant downloads and extractions.

3. Hard links and symbolic links

pnpm optimizes disk usage by using hard links and symbolic links when creating the package structure. This reduces the disk space required for storing packages and speeds up operations such as installing, uninstalling, and updating packages.

4. Parallel execution

Another performance-enhancing feature of pnpm is its ability to execute multiple operations in parallel. This can significantly reduce installation and build times, especially on multi-core machines.

5. Fast and consistent disk writes

pnpm employs techniques to optimize disk writes, ensuring that package installations and updates are performed with minimal overhead. This, in turn, contributes to overall performance and responsiveness of the package management system.


Overall, Zoltan Kochan’s session at ViteConf 2022 shed light on the various factors that make pnpm a performant package manager. With its deterministic resolution, content-addressable storage, optimized disk usage, parallel execution, and fast disk writes, pnpm stands out as a compelling choice for projects seeking efficient and reliable package management.

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Misha Kryvoruchko
7 months ago
