
The Popularity of Svelte.js: What Makes It so Popular?

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Why Is Svelte.js so Popular?

Why Is Svelte.js so Popular?

Svelte.js has gained popularity in recent years as a lightweight and efficient JavaScript framework for building web applications. There are several reasons for its popularity:

1. Easy to Learn and Use

Svelte.js is easy to learn, especially for developers already familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Its simple and intuitive syntax makes it easy to get started and build applications quickly.

2. Performance

Svelte.js is known for its performance optimization. The framework shifts much of the work to compile time, resulting in smaller and faster code at runtime. This leads to faster load times and better user experience.

3. Reactive Variables

Svelte.js introduces the concept of reactive variables, which update automatically when their dependencies change. This makes building reactive and interactive user interfaces much simpler and more efficient.

4. Small Bundle Size

One of the key advantages of Svelte.js is its small bundle size. The framework compiles the code to highly optimized vanilla JavaScript, resulting in smaller file sizes and faster load times for applications.

5. Rich Ecosystem

Svelte.js has a growing community and a rich ecosystem of libraries and tools that make it easy to integrate with other technologies and build complex applications. This has contributed to its popularity among developers.


Overall, Svelte.js has gained popularity due to its ease of use, performance optimization, reactive variables, small bundle size, and a rich ecosystem of tools and libraries. As more developers discover the benefits of using Svelte.js, its popularity is likely to continue to grow in the future.

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FragmentJS - Framework
7 months ago

My personal framework is pure javascript and it doesn't require compiler and runs 200% faster and 10% smaller than svelte even in Localhost,

7 months ago

Vite is fast this did not age well, now even Vite conf saying Vite is slow 😀

7 months ago

For me vue is the best, I like writing html and bring some js when I need, and compared to svelte I don't even have to do that ejs kind of looping, doesn't make sense to me.

putu de
7 months ago

I did several projects with native php, plain js, lesscss. (Pretty old..), I wished to be able to rewrite my code to JS frameworks such Reactjs, Vuejs, Laravel, but never did. When I saw this.. Svelte… wow, very interesting! looks suitable for an old-school programmer like me.

7 months ago

because if you ever touch Svelte, maintaining projects that using other "framework" feels like pain

Kevin Wang
7 months ago

Lack of libraries is one problem for Svelte at the moment

iik kkr
7 months ago

Earlier I worked with React & Next.Js.. But now feel comfortable with Svelte and Sveltekit

7 months ago

That laugh at c#

Mr. Rẻ
7 months ago

I just switch from ReactJS to Svelte for a very simple experience, in Svelte, I see what I do but in ReactJS, I cannot, it just add more complex thing into well basic HTML code.

Entrenador Hispano
7 months ago

9:45 In svlete you can also use array methods… in one single line…
You can even create new variables inside…

{#each […array].sort() as arrayItem, index}
{@const newVariable = function(arrayItem)}

And you can do each loops that reset the component when the array changes…
{#key objectToListen as Item}

Tami Bar
7 months ago

Can Svelte use packages from npm?

Nyasha Chiroro
7 months ago

I love Svelte. I hate that people somehow expect it to behave how React behaves. That doesn't make any sense. It's not React why are you expecting to behave like React. It's Svelte. That's the whole point. Whenever I see comparison videos it's always React does this but Svelte doesn't. Well why should it. 😂 The whole point of creating a different framework is to do something different. The whole point of Svelte is to not be React

Ivan Bárta
7 months ago

Great 👍

7 months ago

He’s so clam. I have a feeling he’s a master in meditation 🧘‍♂️

7 months ago

This was a wonderful overview. I love the clarity of the syntax. And I can’t believe how much was done with so little code. Wow!

Matthew Paquette
7 months ago

This was a great convo! Would looooove svelte slice machine support! 😄

Fernando Correia
7 months ago

Is it tho ? It seems everyone is still talking about React.