The Quick Journey of Learning Coding and Programming in React.js

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How I learned coding fast | My programming journey in React.js

How I learned coding fast | My programming journey in React.js

Learning to code can seem like a daunting task, but with dedication and the right resources, it is possible to learn quickly. In my programming journey, I found that React.js was a great framework to start with as a beginner.

Getting Started

When I first started learning coding, I was overwhelmed with all the different programming languages and frameworks to choose from. After doing some research, I decided to start with React.js. I found that React’s component-based structure and virtual DOM made it easier for me to understand and work with.

Online Resources

There are a plethora of online resources available for learning coding, and I took advantage of as many as I could. I enrolled in online coding courses, watched tutorials, and joined coding communities to get help and support from other programmers. These resources were invaluable in helping me learn coding fast.

Practice, Practice, Practice

The key to learning coding quickly is to practice regularly. I worked on coding challenges, built small projects, and contributed to open-source projects to improve my coding skills. By constantly practicing, I was able to solidify the concepts I learned and apply them in real-world scenarios.

Building Projects

One of the best ways to learn coding is by building projects. I started by creating simple applications and gradually took on more complex projects as I gained confidence in my coding abilities. Building projects allowed me to put my skills to the test and learn from my mistakes.

Seeking Feedback

As a beginner, seeking feedback on my code was crucial for my learning process. I regularly asked for feedback from more experienced programmers, which helped me to improve my coding practices and learn new techniques. Constructive criticism from others allowed me to grow as a programmer.


Learning to code fast is possible with dedication, practice, and the right resources. In my programming journey, I found that starting with React.js was a great choice for beginners. By leveraging online resources, practicing regularly, and seeking feedback, I was able to accelerate my learning and become proficient in coding. I’m excited to continue honing my skills and exploring new technologies in the world of programming.

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