
The React Core Team’s Revised Recommendation for SPAs in the New React Docs

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Reacting to the New React Docs | The React Core Team No Longer Recommends SPAs?

Reacting to the New React Docs | The React Core Team No Longer Recommends SPAs?

Recently, the React Core Team made some updates to the official React documentation that has caused quite a stir in the web development community. One of the most controversial changes is the team’s new stance on Single Page Applications (SPAs).

For years, SPAs have been a popular approach for building modern web applications. They provide a seamless user experience by loading all necessary resources upfront and then dynamically updating the page as the user interacts with it. Many developers have embraced SPAs for their flexibility, performance, and ability to create native-like experiences in the browser.

However, in the latest version of the React documentation, the React Core Team no longer recommends SPAs as the default way to build web applications with React. Instead, they advocate for a more “hybrid” approach that leverages server-side rendering (SSR) in combination with client-side hydration.

This shift in guidance has sparked a heated debate within the React community. Some developers are in full support of the new approach, arguing that SSR can improve initial page load times and provide better support for SEO. Others are concerned that this change will add complexity to their projects and may not be necessary for all use cases.

Regardless of where you stand on the issue, it’s clear that the React Core Team’s new recommendations are going to have a significant impact on how web applications are built with React. Developers will need to carefully consider the trade-offs and implications of adopting SSR and client-side hydration in their projects.

It’s also worth noting that the React Core Team has emphasized that SPAs are not being completely abandoned. Instead, they are suggesting a more nuanced approach that takes into account the specific needs of each project.

As with any major change in the world of web development, it will take time for the community to fully digest and evaluate the implications of the React Core Team’s new recommendations. In the meantime, developers are encouraged to stay informed and keep an open mind as the conversation continues to unfold.

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6 months ago

I think it's really interesting to watch this type of insight. I didn't know anything about this discussion on Twitter until now. Thank you.

6 months ago

We have a giant react app running in production where I work and it's funny because I just suggested today that we consider re-writing the frontend piece of it with NextJS. Idk if that will ever happen but this helps bolster my case.

6 months ago

New to development, do companies typically change their libraries "how to use" info this often?

6 months ago

There was also a long discussion that went on for weeks about removing CRA in PR 5487 on the React docs GitHub repo

6 months ago

React standalone no longer recommended by React?



its time…


6 months ago

Definitely make more. I always love your takes, you bring a lot of folks to the conversation.

On this idea, I haven't built any SPAs for production, as my experience has been Rails with React and GraphQL, with a lot of separate component groups on the page so I don't really have an opinion about the new direction here