
The Real Story Behind Facebook’s “Tailwind Killer”

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The Truth About Facebook’s “Tailwind Killer”

The Truth About Facebook’s “Tailwind Killer”

Many social media marketers have been buzzing about Facebook’s latest algorithm update being dubbed the “Tailwind Killer”.

Some claim that the update has caused a significant decrease in organic reach for business pages, making it harder for them to achieve the same level of engagement and visibility as before. However, Facebook has denied these claims and insists that the algorithm changes are necessary to improve the overall user experience.

So what’s the truth about this so-called “Tailwind Killer”? Well, it’s important to consider a few key points before jumping to conclusions.

The Algorithm Changes

Facebook has been making regular updates to its algorithm for years, all in an effort to prioritize content that is relevant and engaging to individual users. The recent changes are no exception – they aim to show users more content from friends and family, rather than from businesses and brands.

Impact on Marketers

It’s true that the algorithm changes have had an impact on the organic reach of business pages. Marketers are reporting that their posts are reaching fewer people and getting less engagement than before. This has led to some frustration and skepticism about the effectiveness of Facebook as a marketing platform.

Adapting to the Changes

While the algorithm changes may pose a challenge for marketers, it’s not all doom and gloom. Many are finding success by adapting their strategies to align with Facebook’s new priorities. This includes creating more engaging and shareable content, focusing on building meaningful connections with their audience, and investing in paid advertising to supplement their organic reach.

Final Thoughts

While the “Tailwind Killer” label may be a bit sensationalized, there’s no denying that Facebook’s algorithm changes have had an impact on the way marketers use the platform. However, with the right approach and a willingness to adapt, it’s still possible to achieve success on Facebook as a business page.

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6 months ago

Happy holiday season everyone!!! Hope you have a great time with your families

6 months ago

Tailwind killer ? not even close mate it is a lot complicated. you are talking about React css framework not css framework

6 months ago

Pure css over whatever is not really better or different.
Tailwind is different. Like it or not.
StyleX is just complexity for the sake of it.

6 months ago

there wont be a tailwind killer for a while

6 months ago

tailwind out

6 months ago

sorry to say styleX is the worst invention of 2023

6 months ago

Will we see StyleX in your next X-clone projects?!

6 months ago

There is no way to use StyleX with Server Components, that's why tailwindcss is still top

6 months ago

Hi Josh, i want to ask something, when we use ISR in nextjs and set the revalidate like 60 seconds, if I create data in database, then I go to for example user page by id, even though the revalidate not touching the 60 seconds can i read the new user from the database? or it should like wait for 60 sec to get the data from db to the build page?

need some explanation please

6 months ago

This is Absolutely not for small-mid/solo projects at all. More typing demands can tire your fingers and brain. The advantage of TailwindCSS is that it is straightforward, requiring less typing, so it's less tiring on the brain.

6 months ago

Can you make a YouTube clone?

6 months ago

Hell no 😂, wayyyyyyy to complicated tailwind css will always be the win for me

6 months ago

Big shoutout for your awesome skills! 🚀 Your work is seriously top-notch, and I'm loving every bit of it. 🌟 could you make us a video on a project with next js + express js in ts?

6 months ago

styleX is completely different to styled-components because former is not loaded at runtime as the latter does

6 months ago

ive come to learn just because something is widely used or in this case a FAANG app(s) doesnt mean its "good" lol I am def staying away from this one..

6 months ago

as tailwind user this is meh xD

6 months ago

There is a css selector called data-* , the * means you can call it as you want in html and pass everything to it. You can then use css to select this case and apply specific style without having to create a class. I feel css in js libraries try to solve an issue that does not exist

6 months ago

Stylex looks like a big ass javascript css object. Why should I use it? Why can’t I just use plain object?

6 months ago

Threads 2.0

6 months ago

Hey bro, have you heard the clsx or twMerge ?